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Said El Mansour Cherkaoui posted this •


By Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Said Cherkaoui

Recent events taking place in Sahelian Africa have become the focus of potential conflict between African countries of the region as a riposte against the recent “coup d’éclat” au Niger.

In fact from Ethiopia to Sudan and from Tchad to Guinee, Africa is crossed by the display of weapons, conflicts, and indebtedness that extends south to the borders of Mozambique and Congo.

Sub-Saharan Africa is crossed by armies and foreign interests that have made the borders and sovereignty of the state a chimeric principle and belief.

What are the determinations and facilitating factors that have transformed Africa on the terrain of confrontation within the State like with the neighbors?

In the following publications and analysis I have elaborated, there are some responses that can be evaluated and considered as the conditioning forces that have shaped the recent drive of Africa toward the changing of the Old Elite Guard by the New Generation that believes that African countries have not yet been liberated from colonial impact and tares.

Your comment and reactions will be greatly appreciated.

Good Reading and Good Day for the end of this week.

Africa Destiny: Niger Regime Repudiated – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui –

Africa Destiny: Mal Democracy and Military Coup in Mali – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui –

Africa Destiny – AfCTA: Integration or Dislocation – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui –

Africa Destiny: Mining and Minerals – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui –

Africa Destiny: Congo Mining Development – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui –

Africa Destiny: Zambia “Bad Bet” by International Creditors – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui –

Africa Destiny: Easter Horn, Food and Institutional Insecurity – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui –

Africa Destiny in the New World Economy – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui –


Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui is based in Northern California and can be reached at …show more

Your comment and reactions will be greatly appreciated.

Good Reading and Good Day for the end of this week.

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui reposted this •

CEDEAO Démissionne de ses Responsabilités de Reconstruction et d’Intégration Africaine Favorisant l’Interventionnisme Militaire pour le Bénéfice de Forces Étrangères et la Prévention du Renversement des Présidents Chancelants des Pays Membres

L’Afrique ne doit pas servir de boulet de canons pour les tireurs de l’occident.

Le budget alloué et les efforts de mobilisation et autre énergies qui veulent se volatiliser et se faire brûler pour ces interventions pourraient avoir meilleur usage et construire des routes entres les membres de la CEDEAO pour faciliter le transport du savoir-faire, de la connaissance et ajouter de la valeur aux échanges commerciaux et relier les villages aux écoles et aux hôpitaux pour améliorer l’existence d’un peuple africain ayant souffert sous l’occupation étrangère et maintenant sous l’Épée de Damoclès Africain Occidentalisée de ses propres sœurs/frères et voisin/es et cela sans se sentir scandalisée.

Destin Africain, Niger: Tensions Extraverties et Richesses Minières

Si vous souhaitez publier un article, un essai et un rapport sur des sujets liés et abordant des problèmes dans les régions et les pays répertoriés ci-dessous sous forme de hashtag

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui posted this •

🌍 Maroc: Rapport Annuel de Bank Al-Maghrib ! 🌍

Le plaidoyer du Wali de Bank Al-Maghrib – Abdellatif Jouahri

🌍 Un contexte inflationniste mondial

Le rapport de la banque centrale n’a pas manqué de souligner, les circonstances inflationnistes mondiales qui ont plombé l’exercice 2022

🌍 La levée des restrictions sanitaires bénéficie au secteur tertiaire

La branche « Hébergement et restauration » a poursuivi son redressement, avec un rebond de 53,7%, après 15,4%, bénéficiant notamment de la levée des restrictions sanitaires, la réouverture des frontières et de l’afflux découlant de l’opération Marhaba. Les arrivées aux postes frontières ont presque triplé à 10,9 millions, soit un taux de récupération de 84% par rapport à 2019, contre une moyenne mondiale de près de 63%2. Cette évolution recouvre des augmentations de 2,4 millions à 5,8 millions pour les MRE et de 1,3 million à 5,1 millions pour les touristes étrangers.

Les nuitées recensées dans les établissements classés ont doublé à près de 19 millions, avec des hausses de 293% pour les non-résidents et de 24,5% pour les touristes nationaux

🌍 Le pouvoir d’achat des ménages en berne

En 2022, le niveau d’inflation a atteint 6,6%. Dans ces conditions, le pouvoir d’achat a reculé de 2,1%. Cette évolution s’est reflétée sur le moral des ménages telle qu’appréhendée par l’indice de confiance des ménages (ICM) publié par le HCP. Ce dernier présente une corrélation positive et assez significative avec le pouvoir d’achat et a connu en 2022 la baisse la plus importante depuis sa mise en place en 2008

🌍 Le marché de l’emploi continue de stagner

Le marché du travail a subi de plein fouet, le résultat d’une campagne agricole particulièrement défavorable, ce qui a accentué la tendance baissière de l’emploi dans l’agriculture, ramenant sa part dans le volume global, pour la première fois, à moins de 30%.

En 2022, l’économie nationale a 24 000 emplois après une création de 230 000 en 2021, ramenant ainsi le volume d’emplois à 10,7 millions. Parallèlement, 89 000 actifs se sont retirés du marché du travail. Le taux d’activité en a été réduit à 44,3%. Le taux de chômage a diminué, en conséquence, pour s’établir à 11,8% sur le plan national. Dans ce contexte, les salaires ont marqué, en termes nominaux, des augmentations de 2,1% dans le secteur privé et de 3,7% dans la fonction publique

Les jeunes rencontrent en général plus d’obstacles à trouver un emploi, particulièrement en milieu urbain, avec un taux de chômage trois fois plus élevé que celui des autres tranches d’âge. Ces difficultés s’accentuent avec le niveau de diplôme, le taux de chômage culminant à 61,2%1 pour les détenteurs de diplôme supérieur

🌍 :o: 🌍 Lire la suite dans cet article: Source: Rapport annuel de Bank Al-Maghrib

Maroc. Ce qu’on retient du rapport annuel de Bank Al Maghrib

Challenge Maroc on LinkedIn •

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui posted this •

What is the Chinese Model of Development and how does it apply to Africa?

🌍 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui: Africa and China from Grenoble to Beijing

🌍 Contact:

🌍 Websites:






Sharing information about Africa and the Chinese Model of Development.

From 1977 – 1978 during my studies at Sciences Po Grenoble during the year preceding my graduation, I already knew that Africa should find its way outside the beaten paths and tracks of neo-colonialism.

In this sense, I supported a research work on the urgent need for Africa to completely turn the page on colonization and neo-colonialism and to direct its resources toward the Chinese Model of Development. practical work, at the socio-economic and financial development level of African countries, I advocated the reduction of strategic alliances of Western and Soviet powers in favor of the direct construction of bilateral relational bases with China.

Thus, Africa should continue the application and adaptation of Chinese methods at the level of the establishment of an Authentic National Development aimed at the progressive removal of any colonialist metropolitan vigils and any outward-looking development strategy exclusively oriented toward the satisfaction of external requests.

For this, on the eve of the 1980s, Africa should therefore launch economic programs aimed at rebalancing internal deficits at all levels, in particular by discarding any orientation or strategic advice seeking to maintain the legacy of colonialism as an instrument of manipulation and exploitation of Africa’s human and natural resources. Strategies that are imported with the direct complicity of local ruling elites who collaborated with the colonial system.

Military-bureaucratic and technocratic elites prioritized their respective privileges through the continuation of neo-colonial relations of cooperation technical advice and investment. Such relations were concentrated primarily in mining and through the installation on the national territory of military units for security and the strengthening of authoritarian and personal powers.

This submission of national interests to the continuation of relations of dependence on former colonial countries was justified and fed by subsidies and financial, technical, and military aid received from outside aimed at establishing regimes in the pay colonial powers. ….

🌍Read the rest of this presentation in the following article:

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui: Africa and China from Grenoble to Beijing

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui  May 30, 2023 –

The Moroccan Atlas invites you to a Prosperity Prospecting Meeting near Ain Asserdoune – Beni Mellal – Khenifra

On the occasion of the National Day of Moroccans Living Abroad (August 10), under the theme: Young Moroccans Abroad: Expectations and Contributions.

The CRI BMK, as part of the Program IZDIHAR _MDM, and in partnership with the Wilaya and the prefectures of the provinces of the Beni Mellal-Khenifra region, organizes meetings and presentations of investment opportunities and support mechanisms as part of the hashtag


Said Cherkaoui – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui


…show more

الشباب المغاربة بالخارج، انتظارات و إسهامات

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui posted this •


Destin Africain, Niger: Tensions Extraverties et Richesses Minières

Posted on July 28, 2023 by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Said Cherkaoui

C’est soit la pègre ou la Mafia – le Choléra ou la Peste sinon Covid-19

Quel choix l’Afrique en ce temps de conflits interposés et rivalités sécuritaires doublées de présence étrangère ancrée dans la préservation des vestiges néocoloniales et d’intervention militaire extérieure géostratégique contre une instabilité institutionnelle locale, régionale et transfrontalière toute nourrie par une soit-distante cause Ethnique si ce n’est religieuses extrémistes en premier minée et offerte aux peuples africains comme la raison de leur colère et de la dégradation de leurs propres conditions d’existence si ce n’est le destin de leur prochaine descendance et génération actuelle et présente

Prenez le chemin du Rêve Atlantique et des vagues ou aller rencontrer votre Dieu sous les vagues tumultes de l’aventure occidentale lointaine et profondément éjectable



Contact indications:

Africafrique Entrepreneurial Insights Training and Mentoring visit

English Version –

Version Française –

International Analysis: Africa Asia Europe Latin America Middle East North America: for consulting services

AFRICAFRIQUE and the Rest of World News: English / Français…show more

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Said Cherkaoui

La Route de la Bauxite Passe par une Piste: la Guinée, Quel Beau Site

Destin Africain, Guinée: Bauxite, Beau Exit Alpha Condé – Publié le 8 août 2023, par Said El Mansour Cherkaoui –

En 2022, la République de Guinée détient le titre de deuxième producteur mondial de bauxite. Sa production a augmenté de 4 % en 2021 et a augmenté d’un taux de croissance annuel composé (TCAC) de 14 % sur cinq ans jusqu’en 2021. La production du pays devrait maintenir une croissance régulière à un TCAC de 3 % de 2022 à 2026.

La République de Guinée contribue à 24% de la production mondiale de bauxite, les plus grands producteurs étant l’Australie, la Chine, le Brésil et l’Indonésie. En 2022, les exportations de bauxite de la République de Guinée ont augmenté de 4 % par rapport à 2021, la majeure partie étant exportée vers la Chine. Les exportations de bauxite du pays devraient continuer de croître à un TCAC de 3 % de 2022 à 2026. La suite a lire dans cet article.

🌍To encourage the African diaspora to work together to fix issues in their home country.

🌍Africa Needs to be fixed by its People

🌍Encouraging Africans abroad to fix their home

🌍Encouraging the African Diaspora to fix Africa

🌍Encouraging Africans in the diaspora to fix problems back home

🌍Encouraging action for Africa’s development and progress

🌍To encourage the African diaspora to work together


Sharing research findings on ROI, IT, and CRM

Recherche de Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Said Cherkaoui

En 1996-1997, juste avant l’éclatement initial de la première bulle avec Dot / \ com-Dot / \ Gone, en tant que Directeur Exécutif du Developpement des Affaires au sein de Mercanteo – Ambient Corporation et Professeur Associé Adjoint à la School of Technology dans Golden Gate University de San Francisco – Californie, j’ai mené plusieurs recherches allant de la technologie, a la gestion des affaires que sur le développement international [Communauté Economique Européenne, NAFTA, Technologie en Chine et aux Etats Unis] et cela au sein dans les écoles et départements de cette Université. Parmi ces recherches – publications j’avais réalisé cette présentation thématique pionnière.

Dr. Miro Costa, en tant que chef de département et comme doyen associé de l’École de technologie au sein de Golden Gate University, San Francisco, a également encouragé cette recherche étant donné son intérêt direct et le thème de ses propres sur les technologies de l’information.

Mon étude a été réimprimée et republiée par de nombreux éditeurs compte tenu de la solidité de mon analyse qui depuis lors elle a été confirmée par le développement de l’informatique et la mise en place d’un CRM basé sur le ROI, dont voici une copie – extrait de mes recherches:


Sharing research findings on ROI, IT, and CRM

In 1996-1997, just before the initial burst of the first bubble with Dot/\com-Dot/\Gone, as an Executive Director of Business Development at Mercanteo – Ambient Corporation and an Adjunct Associate Professor at the School of Technology at Golden Gate University in San Francisco – California, I conducted multiple research ranging from technology, business management, and international development [European Economic Community, NAFTA, Technology in China and the United States] and this at the schools and departments of this University. Among these research publications, I made this pioneering thematic presentation.

Dr. Miro Costa, as Department Head and Associate Dean of the School of Technology at Golden Gate University, San Francisco, has also encouraged this research given his direct interest and theme of his own on technologies of information.

My study has been reprinted by many publishers given the soundness of my analysis which since then has been confirmed by the development of IT and the implementation of an ROI-based CRM, here is a copy of – an excerpt from my research:

Return on Investment, Information Technology, and Customer Relationship Management

Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Said Cherkaoui

African Perspectives

african moroccan world class executives: 100 milestones

celebrating african moroccan world class executives: 100 milestones Sittin’ On The Dock Of The Frisco Bay (Said El Mansour Cherkaoui) Left Montpellier, Munster, Grenoble and Paris and my Hometown El Jadida – Mazagan in Morocco | Playing For Change | Song Around The World African Perspectives by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – June 16, 2023 They arrive … Continue reading

I have been defending Africa since I was in the situation where I can claim my own Africanness without any other expression of my ancestral African Amazigh heritage. The turning point of such a claim made against those who wanted to bury us but forgot that we are seeds of cultivation as they say in Africa.   We blossomed later on and this attempt to put away our conscience and our willingness to find better ways for Africa was during the year 1977-78 at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Grenoble, France.

For Africa, I have drawn trajectories since 1977 to illuminate its multiple fighting spirits for its own emancipation and for the will of its own children not to forget it even if centuries have brainwashed them.  Yes, indeed, generations and generations were instilled with a sweet insidious amnesiac dose by foreign and their local charlatans who disguised and distorted the reality of our own African history.

Through reading this article, you will discover that I have established milestones in the direction of recovering and rediscovering our own sense of Africanity, what I call our Refined Shared African Affinity.

In this sense, I have written several articles, developed various analyses, written case studies, as I have also participated in the initiation, organization and presentation at international conferences and trade shows, taught courses, provided consulting services and training and study-programs on Africa.  This diverse and multiple engagements took place in the United States, France, Morocco and China.

To reinforce this African orientation, I have also directly participated in the creation of groups and institutions representing the interests of Africa while facilitating meetings and contacts for African countries and decision-makers with their peers in California such as and just to name few:

  • Organization of the first visit of a delegation representing the Federation of Chambers of Commerce of Egypt.
  • Organization of the visit of a delegation of members of the Accra Chamber of Commerce to New York.
  • Visit of the First Delegation of Cameroon during the Football World Cup in 1994 at Stanford,
  • Organization in the Bay Area from San Francisco to Berkeley of the very First International Conference on Africa
  • Direct participation in the American Café Trade Show in Casablanca – Morocco organized by the USDA, US Department of State, The US Embassy in Morocco, Representation of 25 American and Californian companies as an introduction to the upcoming signing of the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Morocco.

As for my current initiatives and achievements, I have also created several groups on the level of social-media platforms as well as several websites presenting the news, the and the future of African countries and their relations with the rest of the world.

Je défends l’Afrique depuis que je suis dans la situation où je peux revendiquer ma propre africanité sans aucune autre expression de mon héritage ancestral africain amazigh. Le tournant d’une telle revendication faite contre ceux qui ont voulu nous enterrer mais ont oublié que nous sommes des graines de culture comme on dit en Afrique. Nous nous sommes épanouis plus tard et cette tentative de mettre de côté notre conscience et notre volonté de trouver de meilleures voies pour l’Afrique s’est déroulée durant l’année 1977-78 à l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Grenoble, France.
Pour l’Afrique, j’ai dessiné des trajectoires depuis 1977 pour éclairer ses multiples esprits combatifs pour sa propre émancipation et pour la volonté de ses propres enfants de ne pas l’oublier même si des siècles les ont lavés le cerveau. Oui, en effet, des générations et des générations ont été insufflées avec une douce dose amnésique insidieuse par des étrangers et leurs charlatans locaux qui ont déguisé et déformé la réalité de notre propre histoire africaine.
En lisant cet article, vous découvrirez que j’ai établi des jalons dans le sens de la récupération et de la redécouverte de notre propre sens de l’africanité, ce que j’appelle notre affinité africaine partagée raffinée.
Dans ce sens, j’ai écrit plusieurs articles, développé diverses analyses, écrit des études de cas, car j’ai également participé à l’initiation, à l’organisation et à la présentation de conférences et salons internationaux, enseigné des cours, fourni des services de conseil et des programmes de formation et d’étude sur Afrique. Ces engagements divers et multiples se sont déroulés aux États-Unis, en France, au Maroc et en Chine.
Pour renforcer cette orientation africaine, j’ai également participé directement à la création de groupes et d’institutions représentant les intérêts de l’Afrique tout en facilitant les rencontres et les contacts des pays et décideurs africains avec leurs pairs en Californie tels que et pour ne citer que ceux-là :

  • Organisation de la première visite d’une délégation représentant la Fédération des Chambres de Commerce d’Egypte.
  • Organisation de la visite d’une délégation de membres de la Chambre de Commerce d’Accra à New York.
  • Visite de la Première Délégation du Cameroun lors de la Coupe du Monde de Football en 1994 à Stanford,
  • Organisation dans la Bay Area de San Francisco à Berkeley de la toute Première Conférence Internationale sur l’Afrique
  • Participation directe à l’American Café Trade Show à Casablanca – Maroc organisé par l’USDA, le Département d’État américain, l’Ambassade des États-Unis au Maroc, Représentation de 25 entreprises américaines et californiennes en guise d’introduction à la signature prochaine de l’Accord de libre-échange entre les États-Unis États-Unis et le Maroc.

En ce qui concerne les initiatives et réalisations actuelles, j’ai également créé plusieurs groupes au niveau des plateformes de médias sociaux ainsi que plusieurs sites Web présentant l’actualité, le et l’avenir des pays africains et leurs relations avec le reste du monde.

Africa – Afrique and Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Otis Redding – (Sittin’ On) The Dock Of The Bay (Official Music Video) Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – (Sittin’ On) The Dock Of The Bay of Frisco (San Francisco – California) Are we part of this or are we just sitting on the Docks of the African Bay to clap. Would be more informative to … Continue reading

Paid PR Massage of Morocco Elitist Performances

Introduction: MOROCCO ENTERTAINING STORIES and PROFILES: PUBLIC RELATION for ELITES and POLITIBRITIES This kind of story is a waste of money and even prestige given that no decision-makers from our top trade, business and finance partner or connection comment on this such “Clowny” publications, they know already the “Gimmicks” and they do not buy the … Continue reading Paid PR Massage of Morocco Elitist Performances

Price of a cup of coffee will Support Morocco Digitall

Maroc: Relation Publique Élitiste Chèrement Tronquée

Ce genre d’histoire est un gaspillage d’argent et même de prestige étant donné qu’aucun décideur de notre principal partenaire commercial, commercial et financier ou de connexion ne commente ces publications “clowny”, ils connaissent déjà les “Gimmicks” et ils n’achètent pas les images “Rosy” et la présentation d’une exposition déformée, exagérée, brillante et “salon” et “show-biz rudimentaire”. Ils sont les maîtres dans une telle « fabrication et composition de la réalité. Période” Lire la suite Maroc: Relation Publique Élitiste Chèrement Tronquée

Websites Related to Africa by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

English Language:

Africana Enterprise

🌍American Institute 🌍 Entrepreneurship in Africa🌍 is a project-based initiative seeking to establish the digital logistics and the technological platforms to be able to connect virtually potential entrepreneurs in French and English Speaking Africa with African-American Mentors here in the United States.  

Langue Française:


AFRICA FACING ITS OWN AFRICAN DESTINY Africa Regional and Trade Integration is presented in its expression of development and modernization of the infrastructure and transfer of values between African countries. Articles and Reports on Africa developed by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui …Continue Reading →

Maroc, France, Allemagne: Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Sport Espace ·

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Maroc, France, Allemagne: Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Sport Espace ·Mazagão – Mazagan – El Jadida – Maroc Mon Frère, mon complice dans le bien-être et le partage de la fraternité respectueuse, l’homme, mon Coéquipier qui pouvait me défendre et rester a mes cotés qu’importe le déroulement du match et autres événements et rencontres. mon Confident de Classe et de Fréquentation Mazaganaise MAZAGAN A L’AISE […] Lire la suite

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui: Africa  Afrique

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From Left to Right: Dr. Fahem, Dr. Said E. Cherkaoui, Dr. Babacar Ndiaye 5th elected President of African Development Bank 1985-1995, Far Right: Executive of the African Chamber of Commerce, Seattle, Washington State, USA

African Sisters and Brothers in Oakland, California – USA: International Conference organized by CITD and Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Claremont Club & Spa, A Fairmont Hotel – April 4, 2016  · Berkeley  · 

 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – I initiated and organized with the EBCITD (East Bay Center for International Trade Development) ★ International Conference on Africa ★ Berkeley ★ California ★ USA ★ Claremont Club & Spa, A Fairmont Hotel

Historical Perspective on Doing Business in North Saharan Africa by Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui from Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is quDRZhkbj52nEzC741MRiNXYDpDUPvL0fo8lk-NDw1UeRQIceo5DUlltHH3Ui0LnZC5ZGK4GHfj8uFLyUpAlmVol-eNLQbd_eVPbsm87p3fKOcxwtfCJSwAy2GR2lNJV8lfgwsoJV3jdVbGXk5nJ3N4Z=s2048

Time for Change, New Relationship of Closeness, New Approach for Face to Face Communication 🌐

🌐USA 🌍 Africa🌐


Africa – Morocco Suppliers of Energy to Europe and Not Africa Itself?

🌍 AFRICA 🌍AFRIQUE 🌍 Africa Needs to Build its Own Energy Road within its the borders of the needs of its own needs, the needs of each region and the needs of each connected country in Africa North Africa to South of Africa and South of Africa to North Africa 🌍 New Silky Road and … Continue reading

World Fusion TV is the creation and the presentation of Said El Mansour Cherkaoui
@worldfusiontv1 subscriber6 videos🌍 World Fusion TV – Join us and subscribe to our initiatives



Africa – Afrique by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Contact Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui: Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Works on Africa – Afrique 🌍 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui ★ Africa ★ Afrique…

Startup in Africa

Startups in Africa  May 25, 2022 Financing Startups in Africa  January 26, 2022 Starts Speaking up of Startups in Africa  January 17, 2022 US Certification…


Publications by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui on Africa – Afrique Otis Redding – (Sittin’ On) The Dock Of The Bay (Official Music Video) Said El…

American Institute and Entrepreneurship in Africa

🌍American Institute 🌍 Entrepreneurship in Africa🌍 American Institute and Entrepreneurship in Africa English Version: French Version: Let me know what you think about this?…

Africa Sky is not the Limit

Sixty years today, African nations joined forces to form the Organization of African Unity. The OAU aimed not only to promote unity, but also to…

Africa – Morocco – Europe

Africa – Morocco – Europe: New Electrifying Power and Energizing Multipolar Connections Europa Energizing Africa October 12, 2022  Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Collected Publications on Europe…

Europe Africa China USA

Europe is discovering that they did not conduct an adequate SWOT Analysis within their own borders and forget that what is called Eastern Europe or…

Europe – Africa: Energy, Primary Resources and Politics

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui ★ Africa ★ Afrique  🌎 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui 🌍 🌍 Join Us – African-Moroccan Executives World Class 🌐 🌍Rejoignez nous…

China – Africa: Diplomatic Multipolarity and Business Regionality

As of 2021, China is estimated to hold at least 21% of all African debt. In August 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the…

Growth and Change in Africa

Africa in the World Economy New Africa New International Affairs Said El Mansour Cherkaoui ★ Africa ★ Afrique Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Works on 🌍…

US Operation Charm in Africa

Chris O. Ògúnmọ́dẹdé @Illustrious_Cee It occurred to me while writing this week’s newsletter that there’s been at least one visit to the continent by a…

Africa Decade of Geostrategic Rivalries

29 juillet 2022 Diplomatic Valse around Africa and Target of East and West Charms The Russia – Ukraine conflict had also exacerbated the competition in…

Private: Motherland Africa – Terre Mère Afrique

Rédigé comme réponse par Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – Said Cherkaoui – le 7 Mars, 2023 CHEGNIMONHAN, tu te réfères a l’indépendance, quelle indépendance tu…

Trade and Integration in Africa: Lessons from the Past

Gold dinar, Spain, Almoravides. Yusuf ben Tasfin (1087-1106), struck at Segilmesa (Sijilmasa) in 480 AH (1087 A D). Compilation of various articles and different analyses…

Africa Integration and World Economic Competition

 AFRICANA ENTREPRISE MoroccoTech Tate Yoko Research Institute – TRI Africana Enterprise ★ Africana Enterprise ★ Africa Context – Africanation ★ Maroc Croissance ★…

Africa – Treasure and Client for European Money Factory

Most French-speaking African countries are known to print their money with France’s central bank and with the French printing company Oberthur Fiduciaire. 14 african countries are obliged…

Africa in the New World Economy

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui ★ Africa ★ Afrique  🌎 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui 🌍 14 – 24 August 2022 🌍 Join Us – African-Moroccan Executives World…

Access more articles written and published by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui on Africa in the following order: 1 2  Search Results for “Africa ” – Page 2 to page



Changing World Economy

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Oakland California – USA 15 Janvier 2021

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui and Latin America

Work and Research by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui on Latin America L’Accord de libre-échange nord-américain (ALÉNA) – … Continue reading Said El Mansour Cherkaoui and Latin America


Amérique Latine: Secteur Informel, Commerce Électronique et Subcapitalisme

Le secteur informel du Pérou, du Brésil, de la Colombie comme au Mexique pour ne citer que les plus en vue, s’était érigé comme une alternative a l’inertie bureaucratique des Etats gouvernés .. Continue reading Amérique Latine: Secteur Informel, Commerce Électronique et Subcapitalisme

Within such range of informal sector operations, you have also to consider that many financial institutions are offering banking services without being a Bank this is the case of the Post Office – Barid.

The presentation here remains instructive and indicative of a reality that needs to be approached from inside the country not from the perspective of these international financial institutions that have their own motives in their soi-disant finding and recommendations that remained twisted by self-interest and self-promotion in regards to the solutions and the services they provide as well as the credit line they open for country-members of their organization.


#africa #africanmarkets #morocco #morocconow #entreprise #business #job #people #tech #research #culture #environment #banking #bank #money #employment #reference

Economie Mondiale en Mutation

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – California – 15 Janvier 2021 إذا ريتا منكرن فغيره بي يديك فين لم تستطيع فغيره بي ليسانك فين لم تستطيع … Continue reading

Economie Mondiale En Mutation

Lire ici la version de cet article en Langue Française de France: Economie Mondiale en Mutation

During the 1980s, the differences between non-Western countries and Third World countries became evident with regard to economic changes and progress at the level of the participation in the new industrial division of labor and the implementation of industrial strategy.

Since President Reagan, Free Trade and aggressive Liberal policies have flattened the national resistance and planted the seeds in the global playfield for the rise of oligopolies, monopoles and conglomerates in the most advanced economies. In parallel, the strategies of conditionality on the application of liberal policies and privatization defended by international financial institutions such as the World Bank, the IMF and The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development where shoved in the throat of “Third World Countries,” have contributed directly in increasing poverty and inequalities in developing economies.

In advanced countries instead of having regulations and protection of the economic market forces, the principle of price reduction and affordability of goods for consumers was then defended allowing the rise of monopoles favored by acquisitions, mergers and absorptions which created dominant companies that extended their power in the political and government decisions while reducing the competition and the income of the States which both impacted the level of distribution and the increase of inequalities and poverty among the popular and workforce masses as well as within the underdeveloped countries.

East and Southeast Asia continued to grow rapidly by maintaining close ties with the world economy framed by the needs of the western European and north American countries, facilitating the redeployment of products made in Western countries which in light of international integration they were thus competing within their own market by local, regional and international products.

“As a result, the world faced a difficult global economic situation as it entered the 1980s – a situation marked not only by high inflation and unemployment (internal imbalances) in developed countries, but also by large account deficits. Current balance of payments (external imbalance) in many developed and developing countries. In addition, lower demand in developed countries has resulted in lower commodity prices and worsening terms of trade for many developing countries that depend on commodity exports. Given the difficult economic situation, many countries, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa, have seen an increase in debt levels in an effort to maintain economic growth.

In part the abundant recycling of petrodollars by financial institutions in developed countries contributed to the increase of debt of Third World economies. The sharp rise in interest rates in the United States of America to combat inflation at the turn of the decade raised the cost of servicing debt and caused debt crises in many countries. ” Read more at …. Reflection on development policy in the 1970s and 1980s -25 August 2017

This concentration of trade and industrial relations made the developing countries to view the Bretton Woods institutions as exclusive clubs of the rich and as instruments for enforcing unjustified political conditionality. Multilateral economic institutions: the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have also been the subject of substantial ambivalence.

In such a context of international institutional pressure, the opening and liberalization of the economy were imposed as good policy and the Milky Way to demand global integration. Thus, liberalism allied to the internationalization of the division of labor and to a selective redistribution and localization of foreign investment was seen as the only path to success and progress. Therefore, the acceptance of the developed world and its financial institutions by third countries has become the example to adapt and follow.

Rehabilitation of Developing Countries was attempted through the Recommendations requested by International Financial Groups. Developing countries had pursued strategies that led to macroeconomic imbalances and strong state intervention. Middle-income Latin American countries suffered severe shocks and were forced to implement reforms to reverse the effects. While Africa has remained largely dependent on international largesse. Developing countries are still faced with correcting the effects of these handicaps and implementing stabilization policy and stimulus measures, balances of payments and basic reforms of the exchange rate regime, liberalization and privatization.

On the other hand, the economic slowdown in advanced industrial countries, accompanied by sharp fluctuations in import demand, contributed to the economic difficulties of the least developed countries (LDCs), particularly in the early 1980s and again in the early 90

Countries heavily dependent on commodity exports have been little affected, especially oil exports (Gulf War). Even diversified exporters have also suffered, such as the exporting countries of East and Southeast Asia.

In terms of the development of financial markets, the high interest rate that prevailed in the early 1980s sharply increased the debt service ratio, the external debt service and contributed to the debt crisis. The Reaganomics crossed the Southern border and landed the Mexican crisis of August 1982, (Nationalization of banks and more dollars changed, transition between Portillo and the administration of Madrid). A sharp contraction in lending occurred after the Mexican crisis. DelaMadrid followed a neo-liberal policy coping the Northern Neighbor the Reaganomics.

Mexico’s currency crisis was fundamentally a short-term “monetary management problem, declared Mahathir Mohamed of Malaysia. In addition, Mexico was crossing a border of political elimination such as the killing of Jose Francisco Ruiz Massieu a former governor who was serving as secretary-general of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI., was shot to death on a busy street in Mexico City on Sept. 28, 1994. The killing added to the bloody shocks of an election year that had already characterized by the regime’s inability to contain the violent antics of a handful of uprising by the Zapatista considered as “rag-tag bandits in Chiapas and the assassination of the first PRI presidential candidate, Luis Donaldo Colosio.

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui and Latin America

Work and Research by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui on Latin America L’Accord de libre-échange nord-américain (ALÉNA) – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui​ Celebración de 25 años de interés en México Celebration of 25 years of Interest in Mexico – … Continue reading Said El Mansour Cherkaoui and Latin America

In fact, negative transfer for all of Latin America in 1983 and stayed that way in the 1990s. For Africa, the net transfer to private creditors turned negative in 1983, but dependence on commercial loans was less pronounced, offset by official flows. Short politics have become the means to address these structural problems.

To reverse current account deficits, which forced real exchange rate adjustments, the 1980s saw dramatic devaluation and changes in exchange rate regimes in developing countries. All regions except Europe experienced stagnation in exports during the global recession in the early 1980s and again in 1985-86. As a result, macroeconomic adjustment policies had become necessary, such as the implementation of measures aimed at reducing real public expenditure, increasing revenues, slowing wage growth and controlling the growth of the money supply, generally by bias or with the effect of increasing real interest rates.

The debt crisis of the 1980s led to severe recessions in almost every country in Africa and Latin America. The World Bank and the IMF in concert with other international financial institutions have made Africa to dance to their own disastrous melodies and tunes and therefore the IMF is one of the most controversial institutions who had aggravated the public policy and made African countries to accentuate social problems and financial deficits, Africa is still paying a high price for the conditionality policies imposed by the World Bank and the IMF.

Therefore, developing countries in difficulty have faced strong pressure to avoid defaults and implement fiscal consolidation, often imposed by conditions for obtaining financial support. This has exacerbated the cost and duration of the crisis. The emphasis has been on austerity and rapid budget review, and the high social and economic costs are often overlooked. Governments have come under pressure to cut social spending and invest in infrastructure as part of the adjustment process, which has had long-term effects. After 1987, export growth resumed and Asian exports were strong, reviving the Western Hemisphere, which recovered. In Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa, it took more than a decade for the economy to recover, and since then the 1980s have been called a lost decade of development.

Opening the Door for the Global Integration and Effects of the International Crisis

Among advanced industrial states, the agenda for deeper integration is ambitious, which includes the harmonization of standards with the coordination of macroeconomic policies. In fact, it is the Research and Development sector in advanced technological fields of high added value that the difference and the gaps widened even within the groups of developed countries in terms of the international competitiveness of their product and the level of their economic growth. At the same time, this international competitiveness had ramifications and repercussions on the developing countries thus conditioning an adjustment trajectory for their frenzied race to adjust their economies in accordance with the demands of the advanced industrial countries.

These demands had largely focused on the legislative framework for the treatment of foreign direct investment in developing and sub-capitalist countries. The improvement in the foreign investment climate was therefore generally linked to the broader regulatory changes needed to align national practices with those of advanced industrial countries. For this reason, the rules governing these investments are seen as a component of the deep integration program based on a structural adjustment of national policies around a negotiated standard.

The free flow of goods and capital (not labor) is fairly well accepted among advanced industrial states as well as compensatory mechanisms that mitigate the social costs associated with an open economy. In developing countries, by contrast, national coalitions favoring a more open stance in the world economy were generally not consolidated.

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Regional Integration, Level for Global Competitiveness

Some have called the 1980s a lost decade for Latin America, if not for the rest of the developing world, both of which were characterized by economic problems and developments in political authoritarianism.

  • Decline in the availability of external commercial loans at the start of the decade
  • Strong pressure to adapt accordingly
  • Regression of political bodies and freedoms:
  • Broaden the definition of conditionality for multilateral and bilateral assistance
  • Growing bilateral pressure on US trade policy
  • Significant changes in expectations regarding the participation of developing countries in GATT
  • Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Integration
  • One of the consequences of the crisis is the incentive to attract foreign direct investment. In the 1970s, middle-income developing countries would depend on fairly easy access to external finance through European currency markets.

Direct Foreign Investment

To attract foreign investment, we start to talk about regional integration and integration into international rules and standards.

  • In Latin America, the effects of this impact are liberalization and privatization and reforms of regulatory systems.
  • Great impact and influence of advanced industrial states and foreign investors on what government can do.
  • One way to make the reversal of these policies costly.
  • IMF with the support of the World Bank and the regional development bank, negotiation of programs and conditions for more loans: adjustment policies or what is called the Tight Belt Policy.

The World Bank and the IMF believe that structural adjustment such as trade opening and liberalization, regulatory regimes and other reforms can benefit least developed countries. The interference of international lending agencies and their diktat imposed on underdeveloped and less developed economies has helped to shape a status of subcapitalist condition and constitution for indebted countries and to integrate into the global circuit of international lending.

Social effects of adjustment policy in LDCs

During the 1980s, growing recognition of the reforms also became a springboard for the donor to feed the LDCs. The exam is part of the donation. Japanese aid is in line with the trend of “political dialogue” between donors and recipients.

At the geo-strategic level, the policies of “containment” and neutralization of currents of thought that could call into question the predominance of liberal strategies for conquering international markets had succeeded in thwarting all attempts to create and establish economic development alternatives based on the national model and a Third World vision. Thus, despite the advance and the creativity of several Masters in economic development, such as G. Destanne de Bernis, François Perroux, the Swede Myrdal, the Argentinian Prebisch and the Brazilian Celso Furtado and the Hungarian Tibor Mende, the liberalism continued to sail and survive all social reforms even by resorting to coups, boycott and cover-actions if not the outright elimination of the leaders of the non-aligned or liberation movements national economic. (The author Said El Mansour Cherkaoui had the privelege to conduct his doctoral research among teams led by Directors of Research and Professors such as G. Destanne de Bernis and Celso Furtado respectively at the Institut de Recherche Economique et Planification of Grenoble University and at the Institut des Hautes Etudes de l’Amerique Latine, Sorbonne University, Paris)

A work of undermining nationalist militants considered to be leftists was undertaken throughout a long period with the objective of “pure and simple purification” of individual resistance and mass movements of the questioning of political and economic foundations, social, cultural and even religious Liberalism Made in the West.

From the start of the debt crisis to the start the eighties Third World countries, and especially the most indebted countries in Africa and Latin America, posted a some cases severe deterioration of social conditions, a increasing level of absolute poverty, a partial collapse of social and physical infrastructure, increased crime and internal disturbances. The per capita income of indebted countries have fallen by a seventh since 1980 and that of sub-Saharan African countries by a quarter?

In Africa, the investment ratio, which gives an indication of future growth prospects, fell to level recorded in the mid-1960s and in some countries is no longer sufficient to maintain the capital of the economy Stock.

In the most indebted countries, real wages are now lower than in 1982 (38% less in Mexico and 21% less in Brazil) and unemployment has increased due to slowing economic growth. Public spending fell by 18% in indebted countries and public investments have been reduced by 35%, compromising growth prospects and to a deterioration of social indicators.

For example, most developing countries cut spending health care and education and reduces the quality of utilities in these areas. Per capita expenditure on education in Latin America is now lower than early eighties and the capital expenditure for educational institutions now represent only a fraction of What it was. The same goes for the health service, with the result that the drop in infant mortality in Third Countries of the world have slowed down and global mortality is again slightly up. Nutrition has also deteriorated again in many countries, particularly due to the agricultural producer prices.

Big money bomb of one hundred dollar bills with a hot wick. Shortly before the explosion. The concept of international financial currency crisis
the World Bank and IMF and other international banks demanded payment of interest and debt service, which in many cases accounted for 25% and more of the value of total exports from indebted economies.

There is now a wider trend towards critical literature on the Third World to blame the adjustment programs prescribed by the IMF or the World Bank for these unfavorable developments, since they all require fairly severe cuts in budgetary expenditure and other measures to curb demand and guide less developed economies to exports, leading to a decline in real wages, a temporary increase in unemployment and the destruction of national production capacity. The implementation of the programs also takes place responsible for the rise of internal conflicts and repression in developing societies. On the other hand, we often read that democratization and adjustment are irreconcilable or that only authoritarian regimes are able to execute typical IMF programs.

A spiral of indebtedness ensued, the repercussions of which went beyond economic growth and the balance of external accounts, they resulted in the worsening of the living conditions of the already poorest social strata in developing countries. For this reason, donor countries have generally left issues of policy conditionality in the hands of international financial institutions. Source: Institut for AIIgemeine 0berseeforschung, Hamburg, West Germany, INTERECONOMICS, May / June 1990

Social inequalities, the wage bill and international trade

The World Bank and Social Inequalities

In a major speech to the National Press Club in Washington on October 10, 2007, Robert Zoellick formulated what he described as “six strategic themes in support of the goal of inclusive and sustainable globalization” that he described. proposed to guide the future work of the World Bank:

First, the World Bank Group faces the challenge of helping to overcome poverty and stimulate sustainable growth in the poorest countries, especially in Africa …

Second, we must address the particular problems of states emerging from conflict or seeking to avoid state collapse …

Third, the World Bank Group needs a more differentiated business model for middle-income countries …

Fourth, the World Bank Group will need to play a more active role in promoting regional and global public goods that transcend national borders and benefit many countries and citizens …

Fifth, one of the most notable challenges of our time is how to support those who seek to advance development and opportunities in the Arab world …

Finally, while the World Bank Group has some of the attributes of a finance and development enterprise, its vocation is much broader. It is a unique and special institution of knowledge and learning. It collects and provides valuable data. Yet it is not a university – rather it is a “brain trust” of applied experience that will help us address the other five policy themes.

“For decades, scholars of international security and politics have debated the emergence of a multipolar system. It is time to recognize the economic dimension of this concept. After witnessing the disappearance of the “second world” in 1989, during the fall of communism, we observed in 2009 the end of what was called the “third world”: we now live in a new multipolar world economy. which is evolving rapidly, ”Zoellick said during a speech at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars in Washington, recalling that some had called the former President of the United States a“ missed opportunity ”. “We cannot afford to have the same geopolitical rhetoric as before. “

“Poverty continues to be rife and must be tackled. Failed states still exist and must be taken into account. Global challenges are intensifying and must be met. However, we need to approach these issues from a different perspective, ”said Zoellick. “Outdated notions of developed countries and third worlds, donors and seekers, leaders and followers no longer correspond to reality. »Statement made on April 14, 2010 by the President of the World Bank Group Robert B. Zoellick.

Thus, developed and developing economies have experienced an increase in income inequalities within them since the 1980s. Trade has become more globalized over the same period. Many studies have sought to determine whether globalization has contributed to the intensification of inequalities. To do so, they sought to identify the various channels through which the development of international trade could influence wage dynamics [ [FMI, 2007; Pavcnik, 2011]Lire plus dans: Le commerce international accroît-il les inégalités ?]

According to the most recent estimates, 10% of the world’s population lived on less than $ 1.90 per day in 2015, which represents 734 million people. This rate reached almost 36% in 1990, or 1.9 billion people.

But this trend is likely to be reversed in 2020, due to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and the fall in oil prices. Poor populations will bear the brunt of the consequences, including job cuts, declining remittances from migrant workers, price hikes and disorganization of education and health services, among others.

For the first time since 1998, poverty rates will start to rise again as the world economy slips into recession and the GDP per capita falls sharply. The current crisis threatens to erase all of the progress made over the past five years. Depending on a range of assumptions on the size of this economic shock, between 40 and 60 million additional people will fall into extreme poverty (less than $ 1.90 per day) in 2020 as a result of the pandemic , according to World Bank estimates. The global extreme poverty rate could increase by 0.3 to 0.7 percentage points, reaching around 9% in 2020.

In addition, the proportion of the population living on less than $ 3.20 per day could increase between 0.3 and 1.7 percentage points and reach a low range of 23%, or in absolute value between 40 and 150 million more people. Finally, the share of the world’s population living on less than $ 5.50 a day could grow within a range of 0.4 to 1.9 percentage points, reaching 42% or more, which would represent between 70 and 180 millions of inhabitants. It should be noted that these projections are extremely volatile and subject to large variations from country to country (a).

But this trend is expected to reverse in 2020, due to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and lower oil prices. Poor people will suffer the consequences, including job cuts, lower remittances from migrant workers, price hikes and the disruption of education and health services, among others.

The UNCTAD report pointed out that the key to success would be to tackle a series of pre-existing conditions that threatened the health of the global economy already before the pandemic. These include hyper-inequality, unsustainable debt levels, low investment, stagnating wages in developed countries and insufficient formal sector jobs in developing countries. . “The real concern is that inequalities were already there before COVID-19.

COVID-19 has reminded us that we did not address them after the global financial crisis. The promise was to address inequality, but most Western countries have failed to do so,” Kozul-Wright said. “We need to focus on full employment and wages in advanced economies. Developing countries need support to boost their industrial development […] We need appropriate employment and wage policies, but we will also need appropriate social policies,” he added.

The Case of Zambia in Southern Africa

In November 2020, Zambia made headlines when it became the first African country to default on its debt to foreign lenders during the global COVID-19 health crisis. While many African countries made significant progress in reducing their debt burdens in the 1990s and 2000s, in recent years countries such as Zambia, Kenya and Mozambique have steadily taken on more and more loans. to fund major infrastructure projects and public spending. In 2021, Zambia’s overall debt burden reached 123% of the country’s GDP according to the International Monetary Fund. Such a public debt burden poses a threat to long-term economic stability and impacts service delivery to citizens, especially in emergency contexts such as the COVID-19 pandemic, as governments must spend larger percentages of their budget on debt repayment.

Changes of Presidents in Latin America and Africa are reactions to external pressure and the impact of sudden changes in allegiance and the orientation of the international situation, especially in the countries of the North, Western economies.

Peru, The Institutional Turmoil

Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard announced on Wednesday that the Pacific Alliance summit, scheduled for December 14 in Peru, has been suspended due to the vote of no confidence in its president Pedro Castillo.

“Given the latest events in Peru, it has been agreed to postpone the Pacific Alliance Summit which was to take place on December 14 in the city of Lima. I will keep you informed,” he said on his official Twitter profile.

Ebrard also pointed out in another message on the same social network that “Mexico regrets the latest events in Peru”. “He hopes for the respect of democracy and human rights for the good of this dear brother people,” he added.

The meeting of the leaders of the group, which is made up of Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru, was to be held from November 24 to 25 in Mexico, but was suspended because Castillo could not leave Peru as part of the investigation against him for corruption.

Mexico was to cede the presidency pro tempore it has held since 2018 and Costa Rica, Ecuador and Honduras were to join the group, founded in 2011.

Peru: President Castillo ousted after trying to dissolve Congress

Peru’s Congress voted to remove President Pedro Castillo from office this Wednesday, December 7, 2022, and replace him with Vice President, Dina Boluarte, shortly after Castillo attempted to dissolve the legislature ahead of a scheduled vote to impeach him. . The national ombudsman’s office called the coup a coup.

Castillo’s attempt to dissolve Congress.

Lawmakers then voted 101 to 6 with 10 abstentions to remove Castillo from office on grounds of “permanent moral incapacity.” Shortly before the vote, Castillo announced he was installing a new emergency government and called on the next round of lawmakers to draft a new constitution. He said in a televised address that he would rule by decree in the meantime, and ordered a nighttime curfew from Wednesday evening.

Castillo also announced that he would make changes to the leadership of the judiciary, the police and the constitutional court. The head of the Peruvian army then resigned, as well as four ministers, including those of foreign affairs and the economy.

Castillo took action as his opponents in Congress headed for a third attempt to impeach him.

The Office of the Ombudsman, an autonomous government institution, said in a statement ahead of the congressional vote that after years of democracy, Peru is in the midst of a constitutional collapse “that can only be described as a sudden blow.” ‘State”.

The office called on Castillo to resign and surrender to legal authorities.

“Mr. Castillo must remember that he was not only elected president of the republic, but also that the people elected representatives for public service,” the statement read. “Castillo’s actions ignore the will of the people and are invalid.”

The Congressional vote called for Vice President Dina Boluarte to assume the presidency. Boluarte via Twitter rejected Castillo’s actions, saying “this aggravates the political and institutional crisis that Peruvian society will have to overcome in strict compliance with the law.”

Liberal entrenchment of inflation and roots of recession
by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

December 25, 2022


They were waiting for the European storm to pass over the global economy and they held interest rates on hold until the Fed and Ms. Lagarde decided it was no longer possible to have and be in the position to wait and see or wait for Godot.

Unfortunately, the Fed’s first increase was a response to the financial obstruction of the UK economy but was met with OPEC’s decision to cut oil production, Russia’s decision to only accept rubble as a means of payment and the decision of the Chinese to make payment only with Yuan for all external transactions. The conglomeration of all these geo-economic actions made the dollar the first higher than the euro in the international market while it also increased its vulnerability to emerging markets as it impacted more than 60% debt-ridden countries that are on the verge of default with Zambia, Sri Lanka and Ghana at the forefront of full default.

The recession was no longer on the periphery of Western economies, it was spreading beyond the surge in inflation of energy, commodities and the accessibility of basic foodstuffs by many countries.

Also, Japan has always played the role of antechamber and echo chamber for the American economy since the Reaganomics and Economic School of the Chicago Boys.

The rest of the world is the hellish heat of inflation

An inflation that was stored like a volcano once the firm ground of all decisions made by financial and government agencies on the western side of history, pursued liberalism erupted in flames and lava covering the rest of the global economy and the price of energy produced combined with the disruptive nature of all diseases have smoothed the way to stagflation to take up residence in the best of the best financial and economic houses which is the value of manufactured goods, the value added to primary goods by the international division of technological and logistical labor and the continual decline in the value of commodities and primary goods from the south.

The subsequent division between the nations has the same line that divided the Bourgeois Townspeople and financiers and the peasant serfs sold with the land as part of the value of the land which depreciated considering the interest charged by the Bourg-bankers to land owners. far remained cloistered in what was called the Faux-Bourg, Faubourg on the outskirts of the Center, that is to say the Place du Marché of the City where monetary circulation is the main framework for commercial transactions while the Faubourg more is about barter as a method of exchange that adds more dependence to the Central Market of Merchant Boroughs, it is these classes that were the first investors in the next industrialization of the Bourg through first the craftsmen and the corporations before separating more from the skills and capacities of the personnel and becoming the own of the productive mechanisms which made them become the extension of the production massive mechanics. system that takes individual initiative or collaborative craft team.

Such separation and the resulting abuses to make it acceptable to this new class of workers who at this time period have only one thing but their Clog – Country Wooden Shoe – to stop this crushing of their appropriation of theirs. labor or the product they produce. They had to throw their wooden clogs – clog into the machine so they could take a break. A strategy that gave us the name Sabotage was the age of the reverse Sabot of the means and methods of production.

Diseases and the decrease in agricultural production added to the continual rural exodus have made the condition of the people who rely only on the strength of arms and hands to beg for bread:


– Sentence of Marie-Antoinette distorted over time.

A long time ago, the USA and the West where we began to specialize in the Daily Production of JEAN VALJEAN AND THE MISERABLES by our Great Victor Hugo, it was the time of the “Huguenots = Huge money but you got not” in the USA.

In the United States, in California, we are making a new food market robot and it is called:

new superhero named jean valjean resulting from inflation and especially the price of bread as it was at the time of the miserables

The Ciabatta Bread – Baguette – Batard named Bastar is priced between 5 dollars to 8 dollars, and guess what…

Basically, the price of 35 dozen eggs is over $100, which means one egg costs $2.8571.

We invoke Hashem God and Allah when we are in difficulty, I mean apart from trouble that despite having flour, water and salt and a hot oven, we cannot make dough and we lack of wheat, Ukraine the Granary of the liberal Western Empire and Africa, as North Africa used to be – called Mauretania the Granary of the Roman Empire.

The shortage of wheat has caused so many changes of government and empire and with Ukraine it is losing the transfer of wheat to the rest of the world and with this wheat it is impacting the flow of money and l use of the dollar for these products. So, well bro, we haven’t come out of the mill yet and we’re cooked before we grind the dough out of order despite all we’ve taken Hashem, God and Allah, and this time against our own wishes, getting into trouble to make bread, what a new pain to wish yourself to be engulfed in trouble and all this to supply and monetize it in wheat, in tomorrow’s money, today, while waiting for Godot and being in difficulty, we eat dry bread, French toast without eggs, and as they say,

Like you can’t be a baker or like the former French Prime Minister who got into trouble with all of France or like a baker who makes balls in a bread kneader, then you can always try to be a cook

Also, as they say: if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen and let the Palos bake their own bread without dirtying or burning their ovens.

Hasta la Vista Hermano and Bon Appétit. It’s not just boiling but burning inflation

In Africa, we are stocking up on Aces and we are going to starve our people to serve and feed their Gargantuan Croissant Appétit which has no limits


African states feed the debtors and starve losing their own appetite waiting for supplies and suppliers if not cooks from outside who will bring for them the means and resources for their productive, operational and logistical infrastructure and in the upstream supply chain of raw and peripheral materials and packaging at all stages of the transfer and exchange of goods and intermediate products from source to distribution and direct and indirect sale of the final product. Africa remains hungry for the feeding from outside of its own frontiers while it has all the natural resources and primary goods to feed any industry not only in Africa but all around the world and that is why Africa is actually the hub and the magnet of these countries from the Americas, Europe and Asia are rushing and competing for a spot under the African Sun.

European Central Bank Challenged by Eurozone, Euro, Inflation and Recession

 October 17, 2022  Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Continue Reading

Martin ANOTA 
FMI (2007), « Globalization and inequality », in World Economic Outlook, chapitre 4, octobre.
HELPMAN, Elhanan, Oleg ITSKHOKI, Marc MUENDER & Stephen REDDING (2012), « Trade and inequality : From theory to estimation », in, 20 mai.
PAVCNIK, Nina (2011), « Globalization and within-country income inequality », in Making Globalization Socially Sustainable, rapport de l’OIT et de l’OMC, chapitre 7, septembre.

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Oakland California – USA 15 Janvier 2021
Sciences Po, Grenoble
Institut des Hautes Etudes de l’Amérique Latine, Paris
Université de la Sorbonne, Paris III

U.S Economy: Trends and Variations

The U.S. has technically been out of money since it hit the debt ceiling on Jan. 19. So what happens if lawmakers don’t agree on an increase by June? “A full-blown financial crisis cannot be ruled out,” writes Bloomberg, which simulated the effects that an unprecedented three-month stalemate would have on the economy. In that scenario, third-quarter GDP would plunge by 15%, more than two million people would lose their jobs, and education, Medicare and defense budgets, among others, would have to be slashed, the Bloomberg Economics model found.

Posted on January 26, 2023

Economic situation in the United States – September 2022

Fed could be ready to slow rate hikes

Minutes from the Federal Reserve’s November meeting signal that officials might be ready to pull back on aggressive interest-rate hikes. Following four consecutive increases of 0.75 percentage points, the central bank is more likely to approve a 0.50 rise in December, economists say. Underscoring those expectations are signs that the economy has cooled. Business activity is down for the fifth straight month, jobless claims have hit a three-month high and the housing market is slumping, suggesting that the Fed’s initial hikes are having an impact.

  • Americans are losing confidence in the labor market, with unemployment expectations at their worst in over a decade, according to the University of Michigan.

The US economy slowed down in the 1st half of 2022 after a marked rebound since the 3rd quarter of 2020 which made it possible to erase the loss linked to the health crisis from the 2nd quarter of 2021. GDP growth then reached 5.7% in 2021, after -3.4% in 2020, driven by dynamic consumption and private investment. In 2022, GDP contracted by -0.4% in the 1st quarter and by -0.1% in the 2nd quarter due to the slowdown in demand. Despite this decline, in the 2nd quarter, US GDP was +2.6% above its pre-crisis level (4th quarter 2019).

The very large-scale budgetary and monetary support measures since the start of the Covid crisis have helped to promote a rapid recovery in activity, but at the cost of strong tensions in the economy – inflation and the labor market. Fiscal measures to support households and businesses amounted to nearly 25% of GDP, through (i) the strengthening of social protection mechanisms, (ii) guaranteed loans to small businesses, (iii) support financial assistance to sub-federal authorities, as well as (iv) support measures for households (direct monetary support, extension of unemployment insurance, etc.).

Moreover, the very accommodating monetary policy of the Federal Reserve (Fed) helped to ensure the stability of the financial system. In this context, inflation rose to 8.3% over twelve rolling months in August 2022 and its underlying component (excluding food and energy) to 6.3% driven by the acceleration in housing prices, non-petrol transport and health. On the labor market, the unemployment rate fell to its pre-crisis level of 3 ½% from the end of the first half of the year (continuously falling since its peak at 14.8% in April 2020) but this dynamism is hampered by the labor shortage with a participation rate below its pre-crisis level (62.4% in August, -1 point compared to February 2020), and two vacancies per unemployed person.

After massive support during the Covid period, public policies began to normalize in 2022, from a policy supporting demand to a policy more focused on supply with significant recourse to public funding. On the budgetary level, the Biden administration is advancing long-term investment spending, particularly in infrastructure, energy transition and the competitiveness of American industry) while reducing the deficit. Indeed, Congress voted bipartisanly for a $1,200 billion infrastructure investment plan over 10 years (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, promulgated in November 2021), mainly in transport and equipment, as well as the law to strengthen the competitiveness of American industry (CHIPS and Science Act, promulgated on August 9, 2022), including in particular aid for the semiconductor industries ($52 billion) and investments in public R&D.

In addition, Congress adopted the Inflation Reduction Act (approximately $700 billion in revenue and $400 billion in expenditure) which aims to reduce household expenditure (health and energy), increase taxation of large companies (minimum tax at 15% and 1% of share buybacks) and strengthen energy security and ecological transition. Finally, the budget for the fiscal year 2023 focused on deficit reduction, security and investments for the future is under consideration in Congress. As for monetary policy, the Fed accelerated its normalization: after having put an end to asset purchases (quantitative easing) in March 2022, it raised the key rates (federal funds rate) by 25 basis points (bp) in March, by 50 bp in May and by 75 bp in June, July and September, bringing the target range to [3.0% ‒ 3.25%] and began to reduce its balance sheet with a monthly rate of 47, $5 billion from June to August, then $95 billion from September.

The economic trajectory in 2022, marked by persistent inflationary pressures, geopolitical tensions and evolving bottlenecks in supply chains, depends on the ability of monetary and fiscal authorities to ensure a smooth landing. The constraints weighing on supply, in particular the difficulties of supply and recruitment on the labor market, limit the recovery of activity and create an imbalance between supply and demand, which fuels the rise in prices, exacerbated by the war in Ukraine. Despite the Fed’s determination to contain inflation through monetary policy tightening during 2022, its ability to achieve this objective with a limited impact on economic activity is not guaranteed. Politically, the November 2022 midterm elections are part of a complicated economic context for the Biden administration, marked by inflation and in particularly the threat of soaring prices at the pump, and condition the ability of the Biden administration to pursue its economic program.

The Fed’s projections for September 2022 assume inflation of 5.4% at the end of 2022 and 2.8% at the end of 2023 (+0.2 points compared to the June projection for 2022 and 2023), and are revised sharply to the lower growth (revision of -1.5 points at the end of 2022 and -0.5 points at the end of 2023). Beyond the persistence of inflation, these projections are subject to numerous exogenous risks, including the persistent tensions in supply chains and the labor market, the war in Ukraine and the evolution of the pandemic.

Posted on September 22, 2022LinkedIn News

Economist puts recession risk at 80%

9/23/2022 – There is an 80% chance the U.S. will fall into a recession, according to Johns Hopkins University’s Steve Hanke, who blames the Federal Reserve for “exploding” the money supply. The central bank’s failure to manage inflation by carefully reducing the amount of money it poured into the economy during the pandemic has seen supply slow too suddenly, says Hanke, who predicts a recession in 2023. His comments come as a September CNBC survey of economists, fund managers and strategists put the chance of the U.S. slipping in recession over the next year at 52%.

  • The Fed raised rates again this week, opting for a hike of 0.75 percentage points for the third straight month in a bid to tackle rampant inflation.

 September 16, 2022

U.S. National Security and Foreign Investment in the Intelligence of Technology

Tech War – US – China Proxy Conflict

US Plan $50 Billion Investment in CHIPS

August 25, 2022


US and China: Their Chips Challenges are Not Cheap

 August 5, 2022

Global Hike Interests, World Inflation, Sliding Recession

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – 10/7/2023


OECD – OCDEThe year-on-year decline in energy prices observed in the past months in OECD countries slowed in August 2023. #Energy inflation rose between July and August in 25 OECD countries, while remaining negative in 11 of these 25 countries.

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – 7/26/2022

Have you being recently fired?

This may leave you feeling like your career path is suddenly falling like a Castle of Cards.

Being Fired is to Be Between Two Fires

WASHINGTON, July 27 (Reuters) – The Federal Reserve raised its benchmark overnight interest rate by three-quarters of a percentage point on Wednesday in an effort to cool the most intense breakout of […] “Inflation remains elevated, reflecting supply and demand imbalances related to the pandemic, higher food and energy prices, and broader price pressures,” the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee said as it lifted the policy rate to a range of between 2.25% and 2.50% in a unanimous vote.

In the US Treasury market, which plays a major role in transmitting the Fed’s policy decisions to the real economy, yields were not changed much with the Fed’s announcement, the 10-year yields fell by 2 basis points on the day and the yield on the two-year note was unchanged.

Wall Street maintained significant gains during the session, while the dollar was slightly lower against a basket of currencies from major trading partners.

Source: Reuters

If you have been fired, you aren’t alone and it still keep coming every day like the Niagara Falls if not a deluge. Companies and startups are firing left and right without even thinking twice about the impact of such decision while the entire economy is sliding right and diving deep into a recessive mood and conjuncture and the inflation is going in the opposite direction, higher and higher for every single commodities, merchandise, purchasing homes and even the renting price.

Thanks in large part to this trend of periodically rising interest rates, fired employees find themselves exposed to more financial strains given that the increase of interest will reduce their propensity to buy and finance houses. At the same time, this impact will also create new stream of renters that can facilitate a surge of renting prices. Affordable cities where the economy is strong are doing well in real estate, with places like Elkhart, Ind., topping the market while cities and regions touched by the Firing Volcanos are witnessing a soaring burst of rents.

Local and Global Factors in the Deterioration of the Exchange Terms

Locally, the first set of the following references are some of my publications that present the Other Side of the Dark Moon, the one of the sectors that was completely wipe-off by their own demise and manipulative style management. This magnets presented as gold nuggets were running on the side of scam: the Crypto Mania, Crypto Casino Royal – Cryptop Secret Mania

They have presented themselves as Money while they take the money of others and run for never comeback.

Following such run of Crypted Scam of Scanned Crypto Assets, we are also presenting the reasons of wrath and decline coming from the East of Europe that have been one pillar in the surge of inflation that is unprecedented since the Second World War in terms of such short time and magnitude as well as the territory impacted and the most intense breakout since the 1980s.

For the global influences and determinations, our publications on the Inflation in Europe, Dossier: Eurozone, Money, Inflation and European Central Bank and other articles listed here below on the evolution of the Eurozone and the economic sanctions against Russia are presented and debated for the purpose to address and define the responsibility of the European Central Bank and the decisions taken by its President in developing the contributing factors at the level of the monetary policy applied and the financial decisions taken as an attempt to be the other side of the coin of the sanctions taken against Russia. The unprecedented sanctions beside Irak and Lybia and the speed of their implementation as well as the gathering of the European members of the Union have paradoxically produced more difficulties for the Western Economies and the rest of the world who is follower blindly the Liberalism as apply as vector of the “Mondialisation” and the engine of the Globalization.

Russia for years and decades has built a strong and loyal relationship with the countries that represent its southern belt and its pillars as well as gateway to the Indian and the Pacific Ocean. Russia even during its invasion of Afghanistan has not built animosity with the surrounding countries or build military presence or bases in the region. At the time, the Soviet Union had developed strong ideological relationship based not only on the containment of the liberal capitalism but through participating in building countries following the departure of the colonial powers.

Parallelly, the Soviet Union and its European Satellites, including Ukraine under the advises and mentorship of Moscow had open its universities and research centers to students from the newly independent countries of Africa which has created invisible links and relationship based on shared similar knowledge and parallel political orientation if not identical ideological goals and strategies of development.

The Soviet Union and Russia later on have in fact used to their advantage the fears and the animosity of the Asian countries toward European, North Americans and generically speaking the western nations. The related needs by the Asian countries to build their own national structures were further reinforced by the Second War, the Korean War and the Vietnam War that were reminiscent of the continuous invasions they have witnessed since the arrival of the first Portuguese “Ex-Explorers” which later on, brought Conquistadors, Cannoneers and War Ships from where the darkness and the Sun set for the Asian nations.

Russia and the New Central Asian States

In Asia, the Belovezha Accords were signed on December 8, 1991 — formally ending the existence of the Soviet Union and creating the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) — none of the signatories were leaders of Central Asian former Soviet republics. A new relationship could be then developed with Russia on new premises. Moscow has always remained outside of riffles and frictions that have characterized the relations between the Central Asian states given their new status and the different that were laagering since their independence from the Soviet Union.

Within such range of interactions, military training and technical and security intelligence were also exchanged between Moscow and the South Asian countries enabling these countries to avoid to be the theater of instability and the target of “exterior predators and insiders.”

When Moscow starts sneezing, the Capitals of the Central Asian States Catch Cold.

A primary reason for Central Asia’s dependence on Russia is remittances from migrant labor. According to the Russian government, there were 4.5 million workers from Uzbekistan, 2.4 million from Tajikistan and 920,000 from Kyrgyzstan working in Russia in 2021. Remittances from work abroad, mostly from Russia, account for 30 percent of Tajikistan’s gross domestic product and 28 percent of Kyrgyzstan’s.

Financial stability within Central Asia is also closely linked to Russia. On Monday, as the Russian ruble plummeted, so too did Central Asian currencies. Trading of the Kazakh tenge was halted Monday after it fell almost 20 percent compared with levels one week earlier. This was after the Kazakhstan National Bank poured in $98.1 million to preserve the currency. Uzbekistan’s currency fell more than 9 percent that day, and Kyrgyzstan saw a similar slide.

This economic hit comes at crucial time for Kazakhstan, which is trying to recover investor confidence after political unrest shook the country in January, leaving more than 150 people dead. The government is now seeking to reboot the economy. It will be hard-pressed to find foreign investors, given its close alliance with Russia.

Trade is another area where Central Asia remains dependent upon Russia. In Uzbekistan, for example, Russia has overtaken China as the leading trading partner. Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are also heavily dependent on trade to Russia as they are full members of the Eurasian Economic Union.

United States and European Commission Sanctions Against Russia

These sanctions were like the “Russian Roulette” they hit the holder of the gun not the target.

Despite close economic ties with Russia, not a single Central Asian country has endorsed President Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine. Uzbekistan is “neutral,” a government spokesman said, and its president, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, urged a peaceful resolution of the conflict according to international law. There has been radio silence from the leaders of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. This lack of support is also a result of the interlined and territorial disputes between various Central Asian states.

In his speech last week, Putin called Ukrainian statehood a fiction. Putin in 2014 said similar things about Kazakhstan, claiming that “Kazakhs never had any statehood” while lauding then-President Nursultan Nazarbayev for “creating a state in a territory that never had a state before.” He concluded by encouraging the Kazakh people to “remain in the greater Russian world.”

Political and Institutional fears are the common denominator of the Central Asian States toward Russia while their interdependence at the level of financial and economic relations provides Moscow with leverage and creates more tensions inside of each country.

As the United States and Europe continue to add sanctions against Russia, Central Asian countries face reminders of how dependent their economies and societies are on Moscow. When Western sanctions hit Russia in 2014, Central Asian governments grappled with the fallout. In a single day known as “Black Tuesday,” Kazakhstan’s currency — the tenge — lost 20 percent of its value. Inflation and unemployment followed.

How did Russia help India in 1971 war?

On 6 and 13 December 1971, the Soviet Navy dispatched two groups of cruisers and destroyers and a submarine armed with nuclear missiles from Vladivostok; they trailed US Task Force 74 into the Indian Ocean from 18 December 1971 until 7 January 1972.

India is the second largest market for the Russian defense industry. Indian refiners bought about 25 million barrels of Russian oil in May. Russian-origin crude accounted for 10 per cent of India’s total seaborne imports in April for the first time, rising from 0.2 per cent throughout 2021 and Q1 2022 (Jun 23, 2022)


To localize such impact and define also other contributing circumstances that are the responsibility of the rulers and the decisions makers, we have included an article on the World Economy – Changing World Economy – with an approach that emphasize how developing countries have been affected by the manipulation of economic trends and exchanges by invisible forces that have imposed a continual dependency and lack of growth in the majority of southern economies.

This kind of weakness has been the source of boomerang effect that is actually hitting the faces of the western economies giving that many African, Middle Eastern, Asian and Latin American Countries are actually unable to cope with diverse shortages of their own and therefore are unable to help the Western Countries to alleviate their actual hurdles and difficulties encountered in the Supply Chain Management, in the provision of goods needs and natural resources as well as in the most critical sphere of continual conflict, the sector of energy.

So prepare your tissue to dry the tears of madness and teas of despair in face of faceless decisions and insensitive projections of human resources management.

Bon Courage and Keep Up Good Work

Dossier: Eurozone, Money, Inflation and European Central Bank

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Honorable Christine Lagarde – 22/7/2022 European Central Bank Today we took our latest monetary policy decisions: We raised interest rates by 0.5 percentage points, a further step in normalising our monetary policy More rate hikes will come. They will depend on how we see the economy and inflation developing  Continue Reading →

Symptômes de Récession aux Etats Unis

Économie Déprimée, Inflation, Taux d’Intérêts en Hausse et Licenciements – Les Raisons de la Colère Populaire et les Dérivées Mondiales des Sanctions Économiques des USA et de l’Union Européenne la Russie Continue Reading →

Changing World Economy

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Oakland California – USA 15 Janvier 2021 Work and Research by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui on Latin America L’Accord de libre-échange nord-américain (ALÉNA) – … Continue reading Said El Mansour Cherkaoui and Latin America GLOBALLEVERAGE Continue Reading →

Even Newspaper with Bad News: More Layoffs at Washington Post

Goldman Sachs cut CEO David Solomon’s compensation by about 30% to $25 million for 2022.

News on Worldwide Cascade of Firing, Inflation and Recession

Compilation of info, newsbites collected and articles written by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui November July 11, 2022 – November 9, 2022 – December 16, 2022

Washington Post Newspaper Provides Bad News

Meta lays off 11,000+ workers


LinkedIn News

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced massive layoffs — affecting more than 11,000 workers, or 13% of its workforce — on Wednesday. Zuckerberg had previously announced the move to hundreds of executives in a meeting Tuesday, adding that he was accountable for the company’s missteps in optimistically overhiring. The cuts are likely to be some of the biggest this year in the tech sector, which has been shedding jobs for several months amid rising borrowing costs, faster inflation and slower economic growth. Meta has 87,000 employees; the layoffs will affect all teams.

Sara Fischer• 3rd+Media Reporter at Axios17h • Edited • 17 hours agoFollow

#BREAKINGMeta CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday said his company will cut 13% of its staff, or around 11,000 people, in an effort to reduce costs ahead of any further downturn in the economy.
More below on Axios:

Facebook parent Meta laying off more than 11,000 workers • 1 min read

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Said Cherkaoui

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Grace Kay

Grace Kay• 3rd+Tech Reporter at Business Insider11h • Edited • 11 hours agoFollow

On Wednesday, Meta said it plans to lay off more than 11,000 employees.

The layoffs impacted about 13% of Meta’s workforce, including Reality Labs, the division housing its metaverse projects. Though, some teams like the company’s recruiting team were impacted more than others.

In a blog post on the layoffs, Mark Zuckerberg apologized to staff for over-investing in the company, calling the layoffs a “last resort.” Employees were notified of the layoffs over email on Wednesday morning.

Insider’s Kali Hays has previously reported that the Facebook founder has been hinting at downsizing efforts for months.

Read more at Business Insider

Meta says it will lay off more than 11,000 staff as Mark Zuckerberg claims the company is ‘deeply underestimated’

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Said Cherkaoui

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Linas Beliūnas

Linas Beliūnas• 3rd+Reinventing Finance 1% at a Time 💸 | Leading & Scaling Payments Unicorn in Europe 🦄 | The only newsletter you need for Finance🤝Tech at 🔔🔔 | Financial Technology | Digital Innovation | Banking13h • 13 hours agoFollow

Meta (Facebook) just cut 13% of its workforce, or more than 11,000 employees, marking the first major round of layoffs in the company’s history 🤯 It probably won’t be the last one. Let’s take a look.

Meta hired more than 27,000 people during the two pandemic years and 15,000 more this year alone. Hence, its headcount is barely back to what it was 10 months ago. Wild! 😳

To get back to 2019 employee levels (before the monetary policy bubble & massive growth in remote work), the social media giant would have to lay off almost half the company.

Given the current trends continue, it seems more like WHEN and not IF. But I honestly hope that I’m wrong here.

Looking at the bigger picture, it’s now clear that the amount of overhiring the Big Tech companies have done in the last 2-3 years is just striking.

To paraphrase Y Combinator’s Paul Graham, this is yet another proof that any organization with a large, protected income and/or too optimistic expectations will tend by default toward administrative bloat. It applies to governments, Harvard, Google, and obviously – Meta. Unless you take direct measures to avoid it, you’ll overhire.

Staying lean now is a strong competitive advantage as never before.

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Said Cherkaoui

Aditya Soni

Aditya Soni• 3rd+Tech Editor at Reuters13h • 13 hours agoFollow

Facebook owner Meta Platforms Inc. has become the latest tech company to unveil mass layoffs this year, saying it would let go of 11,000 employees, or 13% of its workforce.

The move comes at a time when the Mark Zuckerberg-led firm has been pouring money into its risky metaverse project despite a crumbling advertising market and decades-high inflation.

Once worth more than a trillion dollars, Meta is now valued at $256 billion after losing more than 70% of its value this year alone. with Nivedita Balu for Reuters

Meta cuts 11,000 jobs as it sinks more money into the metaverse • 3 min read

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Said Cherkaoui

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Paul S.

Paul S.• 3rd+Senior Writer at TechCrunch14h • 14 hours agoFollow

Another day, another major round of layoffs — this time at Facebook’s parent company Meta.

The severance package is decent: Four months’ pay for each of the 11,000 employees impacted, plus an extra week for each year served.

While factors outside of Meta’s control played a part in all this, including the economic downturn and Apple’s App Tracking Transparency feature which has hit Facebook advertising revenue, attention should also be drawn to Meta’s own business decisions including its continued investment in the metaverse.

While some of these layoffs are from its metaverse unit known as Reality Labs, it seems Meta will still be going full-throttle on the metaverse for the foreseeable future. In a regulatory filing today, Meta said that it expected Reality Labs’ operating losses in 2023 to “grow significantly year-over-year.”

Meta confirms 11,000 layoffs, amounting to 13% of its workforce • 5 min read

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Todd Haselton

Todd Haselton• 3rd+CNBC Deputy Technology Editor14h • 14 hours agoFollow

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that the company is laying off 11,000 employees, or about 13% of the workforce.

The news comes after Meta bet the house on the metaverse, a long-term vision for a new digital world people will access through its Meta Quest virtual reality headsets. But, that vision has cost the company big bucks. Expenses increased 19% year over year in Q3 to $22.1 billion while sales declined 4%. And the bet on the metaverse has cost the company $9.4 billion so far this year. Shres are down almost 70% year-to-date.

Zuckerberg shouldered some of the blame: “I want to take accountability for these decisions and for how we got here,” he said. “I know this is tough for everyone, and I’m especially sorry to those impacted.”

Meta laying off more than 11,000 employees: Read Zuckerberg’s letter announcing the cuts • 2 min read

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Carly Giraldo• 3rd+Recruiting @ Meta14h • Edited • 14 hours agoFollow

At least the new episodes of Love Is Blind are out today, am I right?!

All joking aside, I was sadly a part of the large-scale layoffs at Meta. Waking up to that email was truly heartbreaking, I’ve gained so much this past year. It doesn’t feel as though I was done learning and growing with the company but alas my time has come to an end. I feel grateful to have been a part of Meta but even more so for my amazing team ♥️ each and every one of you are so incredibly unique and talented. It’s truly been a pleasure working alongside you.

To my Metamates who find themselves in a similar position, I empathize with you. Let’s lean on each other. Feel free to reach out to me for anything – networking, a good cry or laugh, whatever you need!

Needless to say, I am back on the market and appreciate any support in finding my next #Recruiting opportunity. Looking forward to what’s in store next. Onward & upward!

#meta #metalayoffs #metanews
#newbeginnings #recruitingjobs #opentowork

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Elias Nemeh• 3rd+Wharton | Ex-Twitter | Ex-Facebook | Sales15h • 15 hours agoFollow

The past week reminds me of the quote “There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen.” They make movies out of this type of stuff. 

🚨 The layoff saga continues, today Meta with 11,000 employees (13%) and then there’s Sam Bankman-Fried’s and How the FTX House Crumbled entering into a non-binding agreement to be acquired by Binance yesterday! What’s going on!? The agreement itself has surprised many people, but the speed at which it played out is probably even more shocking.

Back to layoffs:
The first big takeaway from the massive recalibrations going on is that leaders dramatically overestimated tech’s pandemic-fueled boom. Even as Covid-19 shut down much of the economy, the digital realm continued to thrive. But as we know, that trend didn’t last. 

> The second big takeaway is that the miscalculations companies can’t be pinned solely to strategy missteps over the last two years.
That’s because for the last ten years tech companies have been working from a different playbook. They were minting and spending money at incredible rates. 

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Michael Benedek• 3rd+🏋️‍♀️ @ Datonics; 🧱layer @ Team Daya; Member @ Forbes Technology Council15h • Edited • 15 hours agoFollow

Smarter people than me will write about what led to today’s Facebook Meta layoffs and while there are numerous reasons (including the #metaverse investment), one of them is that Apple privacy protections complicate ad buying / measurement / attribution on Facebook Meta’s core advertising/targeting business (I think Snap Inc. is in the same situation though likely in denial).

Apple has been very effectively using its relationship with consumers, its technology, and privacy as a marketing tool to differentiate itself from others and build its own advertising business / moat. Hopefully they can live up to their brochures…

#privacy #apple #metalayoffs #metaads

Apple Tracks You Even With Its Own Privacy Protections on, Study Says • 5 min read

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Ketki Saxena• 3rd+Chief Editor, Canada – Investing.com15h • Edited • 15 hours agoFollow

Zuckerberg confirms Meta will cut 11,000 jobs

Another day, another round of mass layoffs in tech… After a pretty sizable collapse in revenue left Meta “overstaffed and inefficient”

Interestingly, analysts including Morgan Stanley’s Wilson say these broad layoffs are a bullish signal for stocks, as companies aggressively bring down costs.

#tech #layoffs #meta #facebook #zuckerberg

Zuckerberg confirms Meta will cut 11,000 jobs By • 2 min read

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Brad Kay ⚡️• 3rd+Founder | Brand Builder | Marketer | Business Insider and Forbes CMO To Watch | Advisor1d • Edited • 1 day agoFollow

My ❤️ goes out to everyone impacted at Facebook Meta and so many of the other major tech companies the last few weeks. These are challenging times.

But, if there’s a silver-lining to be found in this downturn, it’s a renewed interest in character and a drive towards personal accountability.

Zuckerberg’s admission of guilt for poor decision-making, over-hiring and spending is the first small step in a very long road to recovery for this brand.
#brand #facebook #culture #tech #character #brandvalues #accountability

WSJ News Exclusive | Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg Says He Is Accountable as Company Preps for Mass Layoffs • Subscription may be required

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Mark Hibbs P.E., GCDF• 3rd+Assistant Director of Advising at Hennepin Technical College1d • 1 day agoFollow

Unless Zuckerberg lays himself off, saying he’s accountable is insulting and simply paying lip service. But he wouldn’t be the first leader to have others endure the pain of layoffs for his mistake nor will he be the last. So much for servant leadership. #immoral #layoffs #noleadership

WSJ News Exclusive | Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg Says He Is Accountable as Company Preps for Mass Layoffs • Subscription may be required

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Lalit Manral, PhD• 3rd+Professor of Strategic Management |<:>| Interests/ Expertise: Evolutionary Strategy Dynamics; Corporate Management1d • 1 day agoFollow

#CorporateManagement Accountability in a company with a dual-class stock structure is best exemplified by Facebook. There is no dislike button. 

WSJ News Exclusive | Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg Says He Is Accountable as Company Preps for Mass Layoffs • Subscription may be required

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Michele Vincent• 3rd+🎙️ Podcast Host | Talent Community Builder | Staffing Solutions1d • Edited • 1 day agoFollow

Layoffs are to begin Wednesday morning, CEO Zuckerberg told hundreds of Meta executives on Tuesday. The coming cuts are expected to total many thousands of employees and will likely be the largest of the year to date in the tech sector.

Those who have already been laid off from companies including Twitter, Opendoor, Stripe, Recharge, Gem, Beyond Meat, Starry,, Fullstory, Patreon, Snap, Wayfair, and other’s have joined the Tech Layoffs 2022 Facebook group to connect with recruiters from Twitch, Adobe, Salesforce, Tesla, Amazon, Capitol One, IBM, JPMorgan Chase, Paramount, Ford, Google, Walmart, Warner Bros Games, and many others.

Those who are notified by Meta on Wednesday morning are welcome to join, network with others, and check out the job postings and layoff resources. Link to the Tech Layoffs Talent Community in the comments.

#Meta #layoff #Tech #MetaLayoff

WSJ News Exclusive | Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg Says He Is Accountable as Company Preps for Mass Layoffs • Subscription may be required

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🔬Chhaya Tuok out of network3rd+MBA, Consultant

Basically “It’s my fault, but you’ll pay for it”. I wonder how Zuck will conciliate this with his continued over-emphasis on the Verse.

Hope for the best and a quick bounce-back for those being let-go, but if anything this is a very good environment (compared to other eras) to hit the labour market with an “ex-FB/Meta” badge.

 In response to

The Wall Street Journal’s post

WSJ News Exclusive: Mark Zuckerberg said Meta layoffs will start Wednesday, telling executives he was overoptimistic about growth, people familiar with the matter say.

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The Economist13,072,917 followers2d • 2 days agoFollow

Will anyone be spared?

From Twitter to Meta, tech lay-offs are spreading • 2 min read

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Rachyl Jones• 3rd+Media Reporter—always accepting scoops2d • Edited • 2 days agoFollow

Meta went on a hiring spree during the pandemic—as have many technology companies. In the past four years, it has doubled its headcount to 87,000 people. But as inflation rates hit a 40-year high and a potential recession looms, many tech companies have been resorting to layoffs. Meta is expected to cut thousands of employees this week, starting as early as Wednesday.

Meta Is Expected to Lay Off Thousands This Week • 1 min read

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Said Cherkaoui

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Anil Malhotra

Anil Malhotra• 3rd+Technology & Execution | Interim / Fractional / Virtual / Outsourced CIO2d • 2 days agoFollow

With large-scale layoffs at Meta and Twitter, there is a buzz about “value creation” opportunities in tech (e.g., “We can reduce staff aggressively, but the tech platform still runs just fine.”) If Elon’s playbook at Twitter is successful, will we see more aggressive private equity investment in tech implementing the tried and true cost control playbook? #techcompanies #cfo #ceo #privateequity #costcontrol #tech

WSJ News Exclusive | Facebook Parent Meta Is Preparing to Notify Employees of Large-Scale Layoffs This Week • Subscription may be required

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Niya D.

Niya D.• 3rd+Founder at Candor 👋RSU trading for tech employees2d • Edited • 2 days agoFollow

Meta has quietly been laying people off since the summer. Now it will have to drastically cut headcount.


Earnings call aftermath was pure carnage. And no – it has nothing to do with the Metaverse. This time it’s all about AI.

Wall Street was able to begrudgingly digest a metaverse investment. However, in defending this narrative, Meta did not tell a good story around why AI spend is so aggressive.

Stock analysts last quarter freaked out.

Morgan Stanley is all but shorting the stock rn – going from $205 to projecting $100 for the next year. This is their projection based on an options implied probability mode they use for the next 12 months. Everyone else is following suit.

Meta has no choice but to lay people off faster and visibly to control the stock price. To be clear, layoffs were slowly and quietly underway already. Lots of folks were packaged out in September and October.

It will be a crazy month. I’m writing a longer piece on this this week in That’s So Meta – make sure to follow the link below to subscribe and read my analysis.

I will post a longer breakdown this week in the newsletter explaining Wall Street pressure Meta is facing, including showing you what models are used to price the stock and which roles I expect to be cut.

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Said Cherkaoui

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See profile for Josh Elman

Josh Elman out of network3rd+Product Builder

The yo-yo of the past 3 years has been so difficult for anyone to plan and prepare. People hired into what seemed like exponential growth and expanding market caps. Let alone the complexification of remote work. The music stopped. It is now affecting so many plans and over plans and all of these companies need to course correct. Twitter would have had to do this – but had the weirdest year of all keeping its market cap

 In response to

Jason Kirk’s post

First Snap Inc., now Twitter and we’re hearing Meta is next this week. It seems like all of these companies significantly increased headcount in just the last 3 years.

Is Google next even though they don’t seem to have hired as rapidly as the others? Is this a sign of tough times or an opportunity to “recalibrate” at companies not notoriously known for aggressively firing underperforming workers after 3 years of massive hiring sprees?

I personally think (and not including Twitter in this as it’s in a unique situation all its own) that it is a combo. Slower growth ahead and depressed stock prices are forcing this. However, I believe it is equally an opportunity to focus on high performing, entrepreneurial types aka the type of workers that got them to prominence in the first place.

What say you? Would love to hear your pov in the comments.

Also, crazy to think but when you have 150k employees (Google) and 80k+ (Meta), they could lay off thousands of employees and it could equal a small % of their workforce. In fact, I believe I read today that if Meta cut 50% of their staff like Twitter did last week, it would bring them back down to a global headcount that was the same just 3 years ago. Despite what’s happening (or about to happen) perspective is important in times like these.

Regardless, losing a job is no laughing matter and if you or someone you know is affected by a layoff, if you think I can help at all, don’t be shy to message me.

#layoffs #moneyisnolongerfree #opportunity

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Chameleon Musk Twister And Twitter Bird Cage Cleaning

 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui  July 11, 2022

As anticipated outcome in response to the judge’s Friday deadline of October 28, 2022 that was given to Elon Musk to drive his $44 billion purchase tag to the sellers of Twitter accounts.

Subsequently, ahead of Elon Musk’s takeover on Friday October 28, 2022, 4 Twitter’s executives were fired include Parag Agrawal, Twitter’s chief executive, Ned Segal, the chief financial officer, Vijaya Gadde, the top legal and policy executive, and Sean Edgett, the general counsel and they will maybe say this is “TGIF – Thanks God It is Friday.” … Read More

  • A recession, or falling off of economic growth, is commonly defined by two consecutive quarters of shrinking gross domestic product. The actual call is made by the National Bureau of Economic Research, which considers additional factors.
  • The pandemic recession of 2020 was the deepest and shortest on record.
  • New jobless claims declined last week for the first time in a month, but remained close to the highest level since November.

June’s 2022 more high-profile companies making cuts include:

Tesla employees were subjected to two rounds of layoffs, one in mid-June and another two weeks later in which a California office was closed and 200 employees cut.

Tesla in the Eye of the Firing CyclElon Musk

 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui  June 30, 2022

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui  Tesla Motors: Driving News, Dance and Trance Moves 6/29/2022 – Oakland, California Tesla is … Read More

Twitter laid off about one-third of its talent acquisition team.

Krystal Cano• 3rd+Senior Technical Sourcer at Doordash. Hiring Machine Learning, Backend, iOS, Android at al levels!2d • Edited • 2 days agoFollow

Sending love to all my #Tweeps today!

It breaks my heart to see what has happened to my Recruiting team at Twitter. It honestly was the best job I’ve ever had and I’ve been at half of the tech giants. I was so motivated by everyone around me. We worked hard & gave it our all! It was a place that was very welcoming, had exceptional top tier talent, human leadership and I loved the amazing teams I helped recruit there. #lovewhereyouwork

Then Elon came along, and the way that he has treated us employees was not okay the past few months. When they reported that it was a hostile takeover by Elon, it truly was hostile. We Twitter employees have gone through so much harassment and confusion just because we worked at Twitter. We’re strong people, top people in social media engineering & we can handle it. But when it’s coming from the individual trying to buy it, that was truly eye opening and disgusting. I would never want to work for someone that has no respect for the employees building, scaling and innovating his companies. I lost so much respect with how he treated us and Tesla employees. Calling us lazy for working remotely. LOL. (Sorry i’ve been remote for over 5+ years working in big tech, this is how I operate) 

It’s sad how in the blink of an eye, over 7k employee’s lives completely changed because Elon wanted to buy Twitter. It was his way or the highway. It almost feels like a breakup with your career. As a Recruiter & Career Coach, I have learned so much from this experience that will help me have more empathy with my candidates and how to help others maneuver in these situations. I’ve forced myself to do a lot of inner work to see what is that I really want out of my own career.

I didn’t want to leave Twitter, but I did 2 months ago because I knew what was going to happen to us and I knew the market was going to get tough. I’m so happy I came to DoorDash where they have treated me with so much respect after what my team at Twitter and I just experienced. I hope no one has to go through a toxic acquisition like this that became so public, political and dangerous at times.  

To my Twitter Recruiting team, I freaking love you guys! Some of the most brilliant, hardworking and down to earth people. We worked really hard to build an amazing community! I really cherish my time and the people I got to work with. I would work with all of you in a heartbeat. If there’s anything I can do, please let me know. 

If you see anyone that is part of Twitter Recruiting, please look out for them with opportunities. I can vouch for them and tell you that they are some of the best in the industry. 

I wish everyone involved healing, because this was definitely a lot to take on the past few months. I know positive things are happening to all of us for what we just dealt with.

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Binasa Mesic• 3rd+Recruiter at Wollborg Michelson2d • Edited • 2 days agoFollow

I can’t wrap my mind around the amount of layoffs that have occurred!

To hear that Twitter was affected was shocking….. I guess not a surprise considering Elon Musk just laid off his Tesla employees, why would anything be different for Twitter employees.

It’s truly a shame to see such a large, respected organization crumble and treat its employees like breadcrumbs.

We know what’s going to happen in a few months. Business needs will increase and Twitter, just like many other organizations will be scrambling for recruiters.

We hoped COVID would change the way large corporations viewed their employees and this year we have learned that not everyone is on board with change. That we are just warm bodies filling seats to some organizations.

I have faith in our LinkedIn networks that these amazing individuals who were affected will find new and better organizations that value them.

If you see a post from someone affected by any layoffs, please like, share, post and reach out to them. They need our support.

Dot Come, Dot Gone: Here we Swirl again with SWVL and Carbon Health Firing Staff

 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui  June 1, 2022

Hey Babe Walk on my side, share this with all your Friends and Spread the Words among … Read More

LinkedIn News:

Shopify laying off 10% of workforce

Shopify is laying off 10% of its global workforce. It’s backtracking on a pandemic bet that e-commerce growth would continue. “It’s now clear that bet didn’t pay off,” said CEO Tobi Lütke in an internal memo. The approximately 1,000 cuts will be across the board, but most will be in recruiting, support and sales. Duplicate, overspecialized, and roles described as “convenient to have but too far removed from building products” are also being cut. Staff who are being let go find out Tuesday.

  • Shopify shares fell sharply in early trading.
  • The layoffs are the latest in a wave of big tech layoffs.

Updated 7/21/2022

Here are some of the firms that have announced layoffs since the beginning of July:

  • Ford is cutting as many as 8,000 jobs, mostly in its gas-fueled vehicle division.
  • Asurion, a Nashville-based global tech services company, laid off 750 employees. It cut about 300 workers in November 2019.
  • Healthtech firm Olive joined a growing list of Central Ohio companies making layoffs by cutting 450 jobs.
  • LinkedIn members have posted about being laid off this week, at: online pharmacy Capsule, a New York City-based tech unicorn; internet security platform Censys; San Francisco-based online banker Varo, and Traeger Grills.
  • Other companies making layoffs this month: wireless giant T-Mobile, supply-chain tech platform Project44, Seattle real estate startup Flyhomes, and Near Intelligence Inc.

7/8/2022Tech workers in for a reality check?

Tech workers have enjoyed years of high salaries, first-in-class benefits and unprecedented leverage that

  • At the end of June, San Francisco was in the spotlight as layoffs were made by numerous tech companies: game developers Niantic and Unity, online newsletter platform Substack and real estate company HomeLight. Elsewhere, data storage provider Qumulo and Parallel Wireless also made cuts.

  • Three applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy service providers announced cuts: Forta, 360 Behavioral Health, and Center for Autism & Related Disorders (CARD).
  • Genetic testing firm Invitae laid off 1,000 employees – 40% of its workforce – and made numerous changes at the executive level.
  • Video platform Vimeo CEO Anjali Sud announced 6% staff cuts in a LinkedIn post.
  • OpenSea CEO cites “crypto winter” as NFT giant lays off 20% of staff.
  • Victoria’s Secret laid off about 160 managers as part of a restructuring.
  • Online mortgage banker loanDepot is laying off about 4,800 employees this year, a 42% cut to its workforce, which numbered 11,300 at the end of 2021.
  • Tonal, a Peloton competitor in the connected workout equipment field, laid off 35% of its workforce as it eyes an initial public offering.
  • ChowNow, a delivery and marketing service for restaurants, laid off about 100 workers just days after “instant” delivery startup Gopuff cut 1,500 of its global workforce and closed 76 U.S. warehouses.
  • Virtual events platform Hopin, a tech unicorn valued at $7.75 billion, laid off 29% of employees.
  • Electric carmaker Rivian said it was cutting “hundreds” after conceding it “grew too fast.”
  • Food-tech companies Sunday and Nextbite announced restructuring and layoffs.
  • Healthcare companies OhioHealth and Alto cut staff.
  • Next Insurance, a small business insurance provider, laid off 17% of its workforce.
  • Video game retailer GameStop announced layoffs and also said chief financial officer Mike Recupero was leaving the company.
  • Twitter laid off about one-third of its talent acquisition team.
  • At the end of June, San Francisco was in the spotlight as layoffs were made by numerous tech companies: game developers Niantic and Unity, online newsletter platform Substack and real estate company HomeLight. Elsewhere, data storage provider Qumulo and Parallel Wireless also made cuts.

June’s more high-profile companies making cuts include:

Updated 7/13/2022

  • Delivery startup Gopuff laid off about 1,500 of its global workforce and closed 76 warehouses in the U.S.
  • Virtual events platform Hopin, a tech unicorn valued at $7.75 billion, laid off 29% of employees.
  • Electric carmaker Rivian said it was cutting “hundreds” after conceding it “grew too fast”.
  • Food-tech companies Sunday and Nextbite announced restructuring and layoffs.
  • Healthtech companies OhioHealth and Alto cut staff.
  • Next Insurance, a small business insurance provider, laid off 17% of its workforce.
  • Video game retailer GameStop announced layoffs and also said chief financial officer Mike Recupero was leaving the company.

Updated 7/10/2022

Food-tech industry Losing Appetit, Layoffs hit – – –

Restaurant-tech startup Nextbite is restructuring and cutting staffers. The Denver-based company licenses delivery-only brands — think George Lopez Tacos and Tom Colicchio’s ’Wichcraft sandwiches — to restaurants looking to beef up sales. It is not known how many staffers were affected by the layoffs, which were announced the same week that former Red Robin CEO Denny Marie Post was named co-president of the company. Nexbite raised $120 million in 2020 under its previous name, Ordermark.

Sunday, the QR code restaurant payments app launched in April 2021, is pulling out of 60% of its markets and making extensive cuts to its global team, Sifted has learnt.

The company confirmed to Sifted it is shutting down operations in four of the seven markets it rapidly expanded to in the last 16 months: Spain, Portugal, Canada and Italy. Sunday only launched in Italy and Portugal a month ago. 

“With the current state of the market, investors are now expecting profit from the get-go,” a spokesperson for the company tells Sifted.

“Sunday has been navigating this shift by refocusing its geographical footprint to its most important markets — the US, the UK and France.”

“kicked into overdrive” during the pandemic. But those salad days could be ending. Prominent tech firms including Netflix and Meta have announced layoffs or pulled back on hiring as they gird for an economic slowdown, and experts say that’s likely to have a trickle-down effect. Workers may see interviews multiply while salaries stagnate, and they’re unlikely to have as much say on performance expectations or perks — just ask Tesla employees, who were recently banned from remote work.

The move towards remote work could end up being a double-edged sword for many American tech employees, particularly in places like Silicon Valley, with the possibility of companies using it to cut costs further.

Klarna cuts valuation by $31 billion

LinkedIn News Updated 6/17/2022

Klarna is eyeing a new funding round that would value the buy-now-pay-later startup at $15 billion — a big comedown from its lofty $46 billion valuation last summer. Once ranked as Europe’s most valuable startup, the Swedish fintech slashed its fundraising ambitions as venture capital funding dried up and consumers shifted their spending away from online retailers and toward physical stores. Klarna’s net loss quadrupled in the first quarter, to about $250 million, from a year ago. The company announced last month that it was laying off 10% of staff.

James B. – Congratulations Klarna !

We shall see how long the $15B valuation holds. Given markets repricing of risk – i suspect Klarna will only be worth $7B to $8B (not by 2025) but will reach this valuation level no later than Fall 2024.
5 Days before this article was oublished (posted below) I wrote the following….
“Klarna will be worth $10B to $12B in 2025. Base Case. Worst case = $7B to $8B. Not $30B. $46B was lunacy.
It will be fascinating to watch as the E in P/E is cut in half for public firms over tbe next 24 to 35 months which are comprobable enought to Klarna and their peers across the adjacent markets in their ability to produce sustainable cash-flow.
Bottom line: Apple will kill the BNPL business model.
Like Telehealth – BNPL is not a sustainable business. It’s an extension of value, a service and a product area when bundled which is valuable. But not independently. Its not an industry. It’s not a market. Hence, tbe compression in valuation.
Observation: The value destruction waiting in the wings for firms like Klarna during 2023-2025 is going to be stunning for most institutional investors. Expect a 50% to 60% cut in valuation from here. Minumum.
The good news: Walmart will be an ideal acquirer for Klarna in 2025 / 2026.”

June 16, 2022 Source Linkedin

🔥🔥🔥 Klarna’s Valuation Slashed by Two-Thirds. The SoftBank-backed, buy-now-pay-later startup is discussing raising cash $500m at a valuation around $15 billion, down from 2021’s near $46 billion valuation. It is way less than it was seeking just last month ie $1B at $30B valuation. Klarna’s net loss quadrupled in the first quarter to $250m from a year earlier. Klarna said last month it would lay off 10% of its workforce owing to what it called a volatile economic environment and the need to cut costs. Perfect time for Community Banks and Credit Unions to come with the next version of BNPL -post transaction.
Valuation of Fintech were damn too high, not even saying that the slashed valuations are reflecting their real valuation yet… Hard time especially for client facing Fintech and for BNPL… I’m not even talking about valuations of mainstream challenger banks and with free offering.

United States Breaking Record Tech News

En 2021, #Alphabet#Apple#Microsoft et #Amazon ont réalisé ensemble 1 261 milliards $ de chiffre d’affaires, soit presque l’équivalent du PIB de l’#Espagne: 4 géants de la #tech des Etats Unis.

Technology Ecosystem in Pakistan

The rapid emergence of Pakistan’s technology ecosystem on the international stage has been no accident — it’s the result of a confluence of changing facts on the ground and shifting dynamics in the startup and investing world as a result of the pandemic.

Image Credits: Mikal Khoso

Unlocking Pakistan’s potential

The sudden emergence of Pakistan’s tech ecosystem on the international stage has been driven by three major factors: an improving security situation, quickly growing mobile connectivity, and critical legal changes and deregulation.

One of the primary reasons why Pakistani lags behind the world in innovation is our cultural attitudes. We usually discourage trying new things and want to adopt the path chosen by our predecessors. Jul 9, 2017

Pakistan is the 4th largest technological market in the world. There are over 2000 software houses in Pakistan. Nov 2, 2019

programmers, software coders and app designers. There are now 1,500 registered I.T. companies in Pakistan, and 10,000 I.T. Aug 10, 2015

By 2023, the economic contribution of the mobile industry in Pakistan will reach $24 billion, accounting for 6.6% of GDP. The majority of this uplift will be driven by improved productivity and efficiency, particularly from the increased take-up of mobile internet services.

A Recap of the Week of March 11 2022 Africa

𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗸:

• Wasoko (formerly Sokowatch), a Kenyan B2B e-commerce procurement & logistics platform, raised a $125M Series B at a valuation of $625M co-led by Tiger Global and Avenir Growth (Daniel Yu)

𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗲𝗲𝗸 𝗥𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿-𝗨𝗽:

• Big Cabal Media, publishers of digital media platforms TechCabal and Zikoko, raised a $2.3M seed round led by MaC Venture Capital (Tomiwa Aladekomo)


• Moove Africa, a Nigerian ‘mobility fintech’ platform raised a $105M ($65M equity, $40M debt) Series A2 led by existing investors Speedinvest, Left Lane Capital and thelatest. ventures (Tayo Oyegunle)

• 4G Capital, a Kenyan credit-led neobank providing SMEs with unsecured business loans, raised an $18.5M Series C from Lightrock (Wayne Hennessy-Barrett)

• Hence Technologies, a Rwandan AI-powered platform, raised a $1.8M seed round from Daybreak Partners, Broad Creek Capital, and others (Sean West)

• Chargel Inc, a Senegalese trucking logistics platform, raised a $750K pre-seed (unspecified mix of equity and debt) from Century Oak Capital, Logos Ventures, and others (Moustapha Ndoye)

• Spleet, a Nigerian proptech platform, raised a $625K pre-seed led by MetaProp VC (Akintola Adesanmi)

• Payourse (YC W22) and Simplifyd, announced their participation in Y Combinator’s W22 batch

• Digitech, an Ivorian digital insurance platform, raised a $328K (€300K) seed round led by Bamboo Capital’s BLOC Smart Africa Fund

• GUICHET, a Moroccan digital ticketing e-commerce platform, raised ~$310K (MAD 3M) from 212 Founders (MOULNAKHLA Ahmed Tawfik)

• Welnes App, an Egyptian community fitness platform, raised a $300K seed round led by Flat6labs (Amr Saleh)

T40 TechnologiesZofi CashKiotapayNigeniusDukapepeCylon AccountingFloodGates LimitedFXKudi, and Scrapays ; are participating in the first batch of Startup Wise Guys’ new African B2B digital SaaS accelerator program

• Bosta, an Egyptian provider of logistics solutions for e-commerce, raised an undisclosed pre-Series B led by Khwarizmi Ventures (Mohamed Ezzat)

• Aisiki- Feeding Africa!, a Nigerian food distribution platform, announced that it raised an undisclosed amount from unnamed corporate investors (Babatunde Hakeem Lawal)


• SupPlant, an Israeli smart irrigation systems provider operational in Kenya and Morocco, raised $27M led by Red Dot Capital

• d.light, an American provider of distributed solar energy solutions worldwide, raised $7M from Finnfund

• Meaningful Gigs, an American platform connecting African freelance designers in Africa with global brands, raised a $6M seed round led by Stage 2 Capital

• Leaf Global Fintech was acquired by IDT Corporation (Nat Robinson)

• Yoco acquired Nona Digital

• DilenyTech was acquired by Astute Imaging

Click the link below for more 👇

Afridigest Week in Review: B2B e-commerce is •

Aswak Salam . Morocco

EU ushers in brave new world of Big Tech regulation

The Digital Markets Act clamps down on abuses in the platform economy.

#DMA is the first ever #EU #tech #regulation to be passed aiming at significantly reducing big tech’s #monopoly power (#siliconvalley) and regaining control over EU user’s data.

May Set a precedent for #healthcare #data sharing, #dataprivacy systems #interoperability  #digitalmarket

BY SAMUEL STOLTON March 25, 2022 8:43 am

The European Union has opened a new chapter in antitrust enforcement for the digital economy, adopting a raft of new rules designed to clamp down on abuses by some of the world’s largest tech firms.

In a deal brokered Thursday evening, officials from the European Parliament, Council and Commission concluded 15 months of intense negotiations on a new rulebook for Big Tech giants operating in the European market, the Digital Markets Act.

Google, Amazon, Meta, Apple, Microsoft and other global players such as accommodation outfit Booking and Chinese e-commerce player Alibaba will come under the scope of the Digital Markets Act, which introduces a series of dos and don’ts for tech firms’ behavior across digital markets. A final list of firms will now be drawn up by the Commission.

Read More

March 9, 20220


OECD – OCDE 📈 📉 Compare the #unemployment rate across #OECD countries between 2020 and 2021 & find out more about the latest OECD data: charts, maps, tables and related publications 👇

US economy slips into ‘recession’

By Cate Chapman, Editor at LinkedIn News

The economy shrank for a second straight quarter, placing the U.S. in what is commonly but unofficially considered a recession. Gross domestic product fell by an annual rate 0.9% in the three months ended in June, the Commerce Department said, following a 0.4% contraction during the first quarter. While the labor market is the strongest it has been in about 70 years, with an unemployment rate of 3.6%, other areas of the economy are slowing in the face of high inflation and rising interest rates.

Eurozone: Monnaie et Inflation

La guerre en Ukraine “affecte sévèrement” l’économie de la zone euro 14/04/22 à 15:06 – Mise à jour à 15:37 Source : AFP – Trends Tendances La guerre en Ukraine a des répercussions “sévères” sur l’économie de la zone euro, a déclaré jeudi Christine Lagarde, alors que la flambée de l’énergie, les chaînes d’approvisionnement perturbées et…Continue Reading → February 12, 20220

Dossier: Eurozone, Money, Inflation and European Central Bank

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Honorable Christine Lagarde – 22/7/2022 European Central Bank Today we took our latest monetary policy decisions: We raised interest rates by 0.5 percentage points, a further step in normalising our monetary policy More rate hikes will come. They will depend on how we see the economy and inflation developing We also…Continue Reading → November 2, 20210

Private: Collision of Global Interests and Reason of Recession

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – 7/26/2022 Have you being recently fired? This may leave you feeling like your career path is suddenly falling like a Castle of Cards. Being Fired is to Be Between Two Fires WASHINGTON, July 27 (Reuters) – The Federal Reserve raised its benchmark overnight interest rate by three-quarters of a percentage…Continue Reading → July 27, 20220

Fighting the Recession

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – 7/26/2022 Fighting Recession with a Sword that has Two Cutting Edges: Unemployment and Interest Rate Have you being recently fired? This may leave you feeling like your career path is suddenly falling like a Castle of Cards. Being Fired is to Be Between Two Fires WASHINGTON, July 27 (Reuters) –…Continue Reading → July 27, 20220

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui: Europe

Western Diplomacy Blend of Waltz and Petrushka: USA – Europe Union – Russia Western Diplomacy Blend of Waltz and Petrushka: USA – Europe Union – Russia Loves and jealousies of two figurines: US and EU along with one puppet: Ukraine Bringing Freedom to Ukraine, like liberating Women in Afghanistan and giving the best gift in…Continue Reading → June 15, 20220

Symptômes de Récession aux Etats Unis

Economie Déprimée, Inflation, Taux d’Intérêts en Hausse et Licenciements – Les Raisons de la Colère Populaire et les Dérivées Mondiales des Sanctions Economiques des USA et de l’Union Européenne la Russie Crypto Casino Royal – CryptoMania – GLOBALLEVERAGE Posted December 5, 2021 – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – 6/19/2022 Sciences Po, Grenoble Institut de Recherche European…Continue Reading → June 15, 20220

Europe, Apple of Discord and End of the Idyll of Western Eden

Europe, Pomme de Discorde et Fin de l’Idylle de l’Eden Occidental  ★ GLBAL LEVERAGE ★   Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D. 5/10/2022 President Emmanuel Macron “a averti que si l’Europe aidait maintenant l’Ukraine, il arriverait un moment où Moscou et Kiev demanderaient la paix et à ce moment-là, aucune des parties ne devrait…Continue Reading → May 11, 20220

US-Euro-British Recette: Coupez le Bortsch, partagez le Pudding et laissez Poutine perdre son Bœuf Stroganoff

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – 11 Avril, 2022 et Mise a jour 5 et le 6 Juillet, 2022   Inflation in the OECD rises further in May 2022, reaching .%, , largely driven by food and energy prices. This represents the sharpest price increase since August 1988.  The OECD’s 38 members: Find more information about OECD Members, Key…Continue Reading → April 11, 20220

USA, EU and China: Actions and Reactions toward Russia – Ukraine War

The European Commission and the United States deployed an array of monetary, financial, trade, and investment sanctions against Russia with an approach that is more relevant to a gradual escalation.  These sanctions have also demonstrated that their effects cannot be fully effective if other countries outside of the Eurozone continue their relations with Russia.   It…Continue Reading →

March 31, 20220

Far-Est Division et Éclatement de l’Europe

Par Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Les Prix de l’essence a gauche Californie du Sud, dans les mains du Président Biden, Californie du Nord, c’est une moyenne pour un Gallon l’équivalent de 3.785411784 L. Oakland – Californie – Houston – Texas – Paris – France – El Jadida – Maroc INFLATION PAR LA POMPE PRIX…Continue Reading →

Moroccan External Economy in 2010: Profile and Propositions

Morocco’s Table on Five Pillars

The major resources of the Moroccan economy are agriculture, phosphates, and tourism. Sales of fish and seafood are important as well. Industryand mining contribute about one-third of the annual GDP. Morocco is the world’s third-largest producer of phosphates (after the United States andChina), and the price fluctuations of phosphates on the international market greatly influence Morocco’s economy. Tourism and workers’ remittances have played a critical role since independence. The production of textiles and clothing is part of a growing manufacturing sector that accounted for approximately 34% of total exports in 2002, employing 40% of the industrial workforce. The government wishes to increase textile and clothing exports from $1.27 billion in 2001 to $3.29 billion in 2010.

The services sector accounts for just over half of GDP and industry, made up of mining, construction and manufacturing, is an additional quarter. The sectors who recorded the highest growth are the tourism, telecoms and textile sectors. Morocco, however, still depends to an inordinate degree on agriculture. The sector accounts for only around 14% of GDP but employs 40-45% of the Moroccan population. With a semi-arid climate, it is difficult to assure good rainfall and Morocco’s GDP varies depending on the weather. Fiscal prudence has allowed for consolidation, with both the budget deficit and debt falling as a percentage of GDP.

In 2009 Morocco was ranked among the top thirty countries in the offshoring sector. Morocco opened its doors to offshoring in July 2006, as one component of the development initiative Plan Emergence, and has so far attracted roughly half of the French-speaking call centres that have gone offshore so far and a number of the Spanish ones. 

According to experts, multinational companies are attracted by Morocco’s geographical and cultural proximity to Europe, in addition to its time zone. In 2007 the country had about 200 call centres, including 30 of significant size, that employ a total of over 18,000 people.

The economic system of the country presents several facets. It is characterized by a large opening towards the outside world. France remains the primary trade partner (supplier and customer) of Morocco. France is also the primary creditor and foreign investor in Morocco. In the Arab world, Morocco has the second-largest non-oil GDP, behind Egypt, as of 2005.

Since the early 1980s, the Moroccan government has pursued an economic program toward accelerating real economy growth with the support of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the Paris Club of creditors. The country’s currency, the dirham, is now fully convertible for current account transactions; reforms of the financial sector have been implemented; and state enterprises are being privatized.

The high cost of imports, especially of petroleum imports, is a major problem. Another chronic problem is unreliable rainfall, which produces droughted sudden floods; in 1995, the country’s worst drought in 30 years forced Morocco to import grain and adversely affected the economy. Another drought occurred in 1997, and one in 1999–2000. Reduced incomes due to drought caused GDP to fall by 7.6% in 1995, by 2.3% in 1997, and by 1.5% in 1999. During the years between drought, good rains brought bumper crops to market. Good rainfall in 2001 led to a 5% GDP growth rate. Morocco suffers both from unemployment (9.6% in 2008), and a large external debt estimated at around $20 billion, or half of GDP in 2002.

Dix Commandements Prioritaires: Stratégie d’Exportation pour le Maroc

Is Morocco is considered as a brand, a company or space and how a strategy of development can be built, especially in a country characterized by subcapitalistic status

Les Leçons pour le Maroc concernant la gestion du Commerce Extérieur et la Promotion des Exportations comme Moteur de la Croissance Economique, comme Remède pour la Reprise Economique et surtout comme plateforme du take-off du réel développement économique du Maroc.

Est ce que le Maroc est consideree comme une marque, une compagnie ou bien un espace?

Dans tous les cas comment une stratégie de développement peut être édifiée, spécialement pour un pays qui se caractérise par un statut subcapitaliste

Is Morocco is considered as a brand, a company or space and how a strategy of development can be built, especially in a country characterized by subcapitalistic status

Développement National ou Émergence Globale: Paradoxe Marocain

1. Solidifier ses expertises et assurer ses spécialisations,

2. renforcer l’innovation et

3. réduire les importations par des substitutions produites locales et

4. surtout favoriser une augmentation des exportations par la stimulation de demande extérieure,

5. Utiliser la présence de la population d’origine marocaine dans les pays clés pour motiver les achats des produits Marocains

6. participation active et continuelle / annuelle dans les salons, les foires et les fêtes nationales des pays ciblés et les capitales commerciales de par le monde a travers un renouvellement des produits offerts et l’introduction de nouveaux produits et de nouvelles thématiques sur l’image du Maroc Exportateur,

7. renforcement logistique de la fonction des Attachés Commerciaux (d’agriculture et de produits manufactures et artisanaux) séparés de ceux qui servent de contact pour les sociétés étrangères et d’Agents de Développement National au niveau consulaire avec comme objectif leurs directes participations dans la création d’un salon international itinérant d’exposition permanente (virtuel et mortier) pour les marchés Latino-Américain, Méditerranéen et Africain, en premier en direction des pays utilisant les mêmes langues pratiquées au Maroc.

8. ouverture de nouveaux marchés sur la base des besoins des régions intérieures du Maroc et

9. l’extension des aides financières et logistiques aux petites et moyennes entreprises marocaines au niveau de l’appropriation (en encourageant l’appropriation par les Femmes), qui favorise la création d’emploi dans les régions reculées du pays pour les désenclaver de l’isolement économique.

10. reconnaître et corriger les erreurs et les égarements des traités commerciaux signés sur la base des élans fantastiques et pour des raisons plus politiques que commerciales.

Pour cela, le Maroc devrait dorénavant et réellement définir en premier les besoins propres de son économie nationale et les impératifs de son authentique développement régional avant même d’entamer des discussions avec n’importe quel partenaire commercial étranger ou investisseur étranger et même national.

L’Etat Monarchique Marocain dont les actions demeurent influencées par les partis politiques dirigeant tout en étant une institution nationale souveraine et par dessus tout élitisme de politiques conjoncturelles et donc doit prendre directement en main et devenir responsable de toute Politique Régionale de Développement Réel du Maroc et de ses potentialités régionales et nationales.

Une telle approche ne peut que transformer toute politique de régionalisation en vecteur et cluster favorisant une plus grande interdépendance économique régionale dans le cadre de la globalisation et cela à travers les échanges commerciaux et les investissements directs étrangers bases eux aussi sur une approche de la globalisation avec une politique sélective, complémentaire et de priorité nationale et non de considérer les traités commerciaux de libre-échange comme des buts a marquer et un score a étriquer pour montrer un palmarès qui a la longueur devient un fardeau budgétaire pour les masses marocaines.

Recommandations de Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui pour la Maison du Maroc: 

Redéfinir les Technologies. les Modes d’Organisation, les Stratégies et les Modes d’Affaires des Entreprises pour Réussir un Développement Industriel et un Progrès Social d’ordre Technologique.

Après le House Regional Cleaning accompli par le Souverain qui avec courage royal, classe majestueuse et détermination de Leader avait prit des décisions sans équivoque pour redresser la barre du vaisseau marocain.

Dans un tel sillage, la prochaine épuration du Maroc devrait aussi se concentrer sur l’extérieur du palier de la Maison du Maroc et cela sur les plans suivants qui demeurent dans l’ensemble non exhaustif, a savoir:

1- Mieux choisir ses partenaires commerciaux extérieurs

2- mieux positionner Made in Morocco dans les choix des consommateurs internationaux;

3- Mieux sélectionner les bénéficiaires étrangers de l’attractivité sur la base du développement national intégré avec les besoins des autres régions du Maroc;

4- Se dégager progressivement de l’Offshoring Concept et Cheap Labor Label;

5- Réduire la dette publique, la dette extérieure, redresser la balance commerciale et discipliner les dépenses des administrations par une meilleure gouvernance et responsabilisation;

6- Favoriser l’Education publique de masse et réduire la pauvreté et accroître le logement social tout en rendant accessible les services de soin et les produits pharmaceutiques;

6- Promouvoir l’emploi réel et la création des entreprises porteuses de croissance locale, régionale et nationale;

7- Atténuer les raisons de la violence et de l’abus du pouvoir a tous les niveaux des relations sociales;

8- Contribuer dans une équitable reconnaissance des services rendus par les administrateurs et les fonctionnaires de l’Etat tout en accordant une dignité propre a ceux et celles qui servent dans les rangs de la sûreté nationale et la défense nationale;

9- Résolution des causes de la mendicité et de la dépravation des jeunes;

10- Renforcer les assises de l’Etat de Droit dans toutes ses expressions et ses attributions ainsi que reconnaissance des droits premiers des citoyennes et citoyens dans le partage des bienfaits sociaux et la richesse du Maroc.

Si on réussit a conditionner ces mouvements de changement dans le sens de la performance et l’efficience, nous aurons franchi un long chemin vers l’objectif de rendre le Maroc un pays égalitaire dans ses actions ou les chances sont distribuées sur la base du mérite et non de la cooptation partisane, de l’électoralisme féodalisé et du clientélisme social-corruptible.

A vos claviers pour répondre si vous estimez que le Maroc mérite un meilleur sort et une autre alternative au niveau de la politique économique que celle poursuivie par les partis politiques siégeant au gouvernement.

Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui 31 – 10 – 2017

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