China – Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Invited by the Central and Provincial Governments of China

with Dr. James Garrett and the East Bay Center for International Trade Development – Guiyang, Guizhou Province

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Invited by the Chinese Government to facilitate the international expansion of Chinese companies and to provide training to the leaders of Chinese companies on the requirements of business internationalization and the development of logistics sof market-entry including distribution in Western Europe and United States of America.

This invitation followed the organization of a 3-month training course that I had prepared in Oakland and Berkeley within the Center for International Trade Development (CITD) in collaboration with academic and professional institutions located in Oakland and Berkeley in the San Francisco Bay and Northern California.

These study and training programs provided to Chinese delegations was composed of businessmen, CEOs and regional representatives of the authorities of central power and was part of the cooperation agreements between China and United States.

In fact since 1995, I had already established direct and consulting relationships with Chinese officials when I served as Vice President of the International Business Commission within the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce. I also organized the visit of a delegation made up of members of research centers, businessmen and leaders of the provinces of Yunnan, Dalian and other regions of China.

Our prayers and thoughts go out to the valiant Chinese People for their recovery and for that of the Peoples of this World currently suffering from this epidemic which we hope will be banished from all our memories and from our human history by the scientific and divine will, Ameen.


Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Organized and Provided Services to Chinese Delegations Visiting California in October 1994

Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Invited by the Governement of China to Provide Training and Consulting Services for International Business and Trade Expansion

Articles, Analyses, Reports and Presentations on China by Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Said E. Cherkaoui Research on China Technology and Mobile Communication Published in London, Great Britain – August 2001

Encre de Chine, Mémoire Attachante, 1977

China and Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Doing Business in / with China

Not Just Doing Business But Building Relationship in China

From Atlas Mountains, Alpes Mountains, Berkeley Hills to Jundu Mountains (军都山; Jūndūshān) 

Globetrotter for Trade and Business Cultures – GLOBAL LEVERAGE

China’s leaps, challenges and transitions in the Capitalist World

China: LinkedIn and LinkedOut

China Facing Corona

Changing World Economy

Asian- Pacific Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

BRICS and the Building of Financial Great Wall

East Asia, the developmental state and globalization

Renault Drives and Quits the Road to China

Tesla Road to China ★ Hi Shanghai

Said El Mansour Cherkaouit  · Shared with Your friends Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui – CITD – Center for International Trade Development in China

I have worked with the CITD in Oakland and Berkeley. I was among the first members who joined this organization in 1992-1993 and worked with the CITD that was located within the Vista Community College.

I participated in the first Statewide meeting of the CITD and contributed in drawing the organizational and working strategies of the California CITD.

At this date, only 5 CITD existed and Dr. Barbara Beno was the President of Vista Community College. In fact, I have during all the years since 1994 to 1998 and from 2001 to 2007, I have drafted all the strategies and the planning of the activities of the CITD and the East Bay Center for International Trade Development respectively located in Berkeley, Oakland and later on in Berkeley again.

Furthermore, I have organized outbound and inbound trade delegations from many countries including from China (several delegations), Egypt, Morocco, East and Western African countries, Vietnam, Japan along visits by entrepreneurs.

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D.

La sagesse universelle, le savoir-faire occidental et la connaissance humaine avec un éclairage de la Chine:

Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui See less— in Guizhou.

Les Trois Chandeliers et Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui:

La sagesse universelle, le savoir-faire occidental et la connaissance humaine avec un éclairage de la Chine:

Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui en Chine — in Guizhou.

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D.

Texte en Français with Translation in English

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En France, alors que j’était encore étudiant à Sciences Po de Grenoble, j’ai formulé un projet sur le Développement de la Chine et je l’ai présenté comme le modèle à imiter et à suivre par toutes ces anciennes colonies africaines qui furent durant les années 70, secouées par la brutalité et les oscillations soudaines du marché international et le poids de la dette extérieure. Aux États-Unis, au milieu des années 90, pour des dignitaires, cadres et fonctionnaires chinois, j’ai organisé leurs visites commerciales et d’affaires dans la région de la Baie de San Francisco et je leur ai fourni des services de conseil et une formation sur le développement des affaires internationales.

Durant ce temps, il y a vingt ans de cela, une organisation et une maison d’édition britanniques de Londres m’ont demandé de mener des recherches sur les télécommunications et le développement technologique en Chine.

Dans ce travail de recherche, j’ai mis en relief la relation directe et ambivalente du rôle pivotal de l’Etat Chinois dans le développement direct de la technologie en Chine.

Ma recherche comme toutes les autres que j’avais conduit était dirigée a travers une projection et une prédiction des effets et des manifestations qui pouvaient être engendrés par la suite et dans le devenir des pays ou des secteurs qui étaient les sujets concernés par ma recherche.

Durant cette période, je travaillais en tant que directeur des affaires internationales chez Sprint Corp. et en tant que coprésident du comité international de la Chambre de Commerce de San Francisco où j’ai eu l’occasion de faciliter la visite du vice-maire de Pékin et une délégation de cadres chinois venant du Yunnan. Parallèlement, j’enseignais un programme d’études et des cours sur les télécommunications, la sécurité numérique et le développement technologique national et cela à la School of Technology de la Golden Gate University de San Francisco. Toutes ces implications et ces intérêts sur la Chine et vu qu’en tant que consultant principal auprès du Center for International Trade Development à Oakland et Berkeley, j’ai été invité par le gouvernement chinois et le gouvernement provincial du Guizhou qui m’ont accordé le meilleur des meilleurs traitements que j’ai jamais reçus d’aucune entité de par ce monde. En fait, je suis toujours en train de redévelopper le même sujet de recherche sur le développement technologique de la Chine et j’ai l’intention de publier l’intégralité de mon travail sous forme de livre. En attendant, je vous offre un aperçu de mes intérêts sur les avancées technologiques chinoises sous la forme des premières pages de mon travail publié à Londres.

N’hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez un intérêt pour les sujets correspondants:

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D.

Espace Athlétique de Said El Mansour Cherkaoui 8/6/2021

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Prize For The Defense Of The Chinese Development Model At SciencesPo In Grenoble

Cet Article fut rédigé et publié originalement April 10, 2023 en langue Française sous le … Continue reading

In France, while still student at the Sciences Po of Grenoble, I have formulated a project on the Development of China and presented it as the model to be emulated and followed by all these former African colonies that were during the seventies, shaken by the brutal and sudden oscillations of the international market and the burden of the external debt. In the United States, during the mid-nineties, I have organized trade and business visits of Chinese Dignitaries, Executives and Officials in the Bay Area of San Francisco and provided them with advisory services and training on international business development. So, twenty Years ago, I was requested by a British Organization and Publishing House from London to conduct research on China Telecommunications and Technology Development.

In this research work, I highlighted the direct and ambivalent relationship and the pivotal role of the Chinese state in the direct development of technology in China.

My research like all the others that I had conducted was directed through a projection and a prediction of the effects and manifestations which could be generated subsequently and in the future of the countries or sectors that are the subjects by my research. During the same time, I was working as International Business Manager at Sprint Corp and serving as the Co-Chair of the International Committee at the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce where I had the opportunity to facilitate the visit of the Vice-Mayor of Beijing and a delegation of Chinese Executives.

Parallelly, I was teaching a set of Program Studies and Courses on Telecoms, Digital Security and National Technological Development at the School of Technology at Golden Gate University of San Francisco. All this involvement and interests in China and as Senior Consultant with the Center for International Trade Development at Oakland and Berkeley, I was invited by the Chinese Government and the Provincial Government of Guizhou who bestowed me with the best of the best treatment I have ever received from any entity around this world. In fact, I am still redeveloping the same topic of research on China Technological Development and I am planning to publish my entire work in form of a book.

Meanwhile, I offer you a glimpse on my interests on China Technological Advances in form of the first pages of my published work in London. Feel free to contact me if you have any interest in the related topics.

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D.


Author: Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D.

Network of Public Media- websites featuring news and reports in English and French Languages on Africa. Disclaimer: Network of Public Media and authors are not responsible for the content of the articles, given that the articles are compiled from various sources. These compiled sources of references and republication of extracts from articles do not reflect the views or opinions of Network of Public Media, its staff or any institutions or individuals that provides support.

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